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UN positioning for one-world government

United Nations building in Geneva, Switzerland (Photo: Shutterstock)

Very quietly, and without fanfare, the UN very recently succeeded in adopting their new “ground-breaking” objective called, “Pact for the Future.” With no details nor discussion, it’s impossible to know the goodies that await the global organization which will, undoubtedly, morph into a new world order on what constitutes personal habits, human rights and freedoms, as well as everything connected to life and governance.

The exceedingly aggressive agenda involves matters relating to the environment, supply chain disruptions, digital technologies, cybersecurity, fossil fuels, energy, poverty, the economy, water pollution, digital platforms, planetary well-being, sustainability, taxation on high-net-worth individuals, AI governance, human rights and gender, hunger, women’s rights, slavery, armed conflict, peace and security, terrorism and extremism, just to enumerate some of what will be taken on.

What is missing are the ever-important definitions and qualifications which will, without a doubt, be determined by the UN arbiters, whose final word will certainly be mandated for all to obey. And just like that, the blatant overreach of societal norms will become clay in the hands of the UN, able to design our future in whatever way they choose.

The 15 abstentions, along with 7 objections, were no deterrent for the 143 countries that overwhelmingly passed the pact, apparently displaying their complete faith in the same peace-promoting organization, which has accused Israel of genocide while ignoring the barbaric terrorists who invaded our sovereign territory to execute a brutal massacre on innocents. So, what could go wrong?

Given that one of their goals is to create a more “inclusive” process, would anyone be shocked if Hamas and Hezbollah were invited to contribute ideas to their initiative? Nothing should surprise us anymore, because the inability to identify and condemn real terrorism has been a bit too challenging for the UN, preventing them from seeing any evil unless it emanates from Jews.

The targeted goal for much of their agenda is 2050, although some changes are expected to come as early as 2030. With language like, “the world is ready to see the bold blueprint that the Pact for the Future intends to deliver, we are watching and we expect bold commitments, and even bolder action,” it may sound a bit Orwellian, especially because of the “Big Brother is watching” bit.

Phasing out the old and adopting the new is what will be expected of everyone, no matter how difficult that may get, since personal comfort must be abandoned in deference to a world that accommodates the whims of elite globalists who have enough free time on their hands to concoct diabolical ways to embitter the lives of everyone. 

The consumption of meat, the use of air-conditioning, the mode of travel people use, and the method in which we pay for goods, have all been recent topics that stand to be modified in major ways, none of which will likely be appreciated by the majority of the world’s occupants. But with countries committed to the plan, most ordinary citizens have no say in the matter and will have no choice but to comply or face the consequences, whatever they are deemed to be.

In his article titled, “The UN transforms itself into a world government, Frank Gaffney Jr., Defense Policy Analyst and Founder and Executive Chairman of Center for Security Policy, says, “While the language employed misleadingly obscures the true purpose of this new charter, it is clearly to turn the United Nations into a world government. That’s because, with strong support from the Harris-Biden administration, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres intends to obtain the authority automatically to order responses to climate change, pandemics, commercial disruptions, cyberattacks, asteroids and any other so-called ‘black swan events.’”

As a great supporter of Israel, Gaffney believes that “Israel will likely be impacted first by the new Pact’s explicit inclusion of certain ‘conflicts’ in its mandate since the UN effectively ordered her to disarm last week.” 

And that’s key. Because if Hamas or Hezbollah can’t seem to mortally injure Israel, the UN will see to it that they do. It’s the ultimate solution to isolating Israel as the world’s pariah – through the amalgamation of world nations, coming together to condemn and punish the Jewish state for daring to not agree to be eradicated.  

When you understand that 143 nations agreed to honor and support a global pact, which was never fully articulated or documented for the record, it makes you realize the immense indifference which is being displayed, by these governments, while they turn over full authority to a biased organization which despises Israel, craves total power and has no intention of governing with justice, fair dealings and objectivity.  But why should they when their end game is to implement totalitarianism?

All they really need are nation states that either abstain or give them carte blanche, and they’ve got that! Ironically, among the seven countries that objected to the Pact are those who, themselves, crave unlimited power and authority, including Russia, Iran and North Korea, all of whom are apparently not willing to share control with the UN. 

But, for the nations that believe in the Pact, they claim to be coming together “at a time of profound global transformation’ as ‘rising catastrophic and existential risks’ could tip people everywhere into a future of persistent crisis and breakdown.”

Of course, none of those catastrophes or existential risks would be applicable to Israel, the country whose existence is truly at risk as non-stop rockets have been launched into the country over the past year. No, the real threat is to the planet by those who are seen to be polluting it, and if eating meat or driving a car is part of that equation, then they must be sacrificed at the altar of the ”Pact for the Future,” the Messianic cure-all to make our world the Utopian dream of globalists.

So, you might want to prepare yourself to accept the many guidelines of the dystopian future which is about to befall each one of us very shortly, because if the UN has its way, and it looks as if it already has, life, as we know it, is about to change dramatically for the 8 billion who call Planet Earth home.

But have no fear, because what could go wrong if you put your faith in the UN?

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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