All Israel

WATCH VIDEO: Israel's attack Saturday wasn't nearly big enough – 'total victory' requires decapitating wicked Iranian regime and destroying its nuclear & oil facilities

Bibi cannot let Biden and Harris tie his hands or dictate Israel's national security strategy

Explosion following Israeli airstrike in Tehran, Oct. 26, 2024. (Photo: Social media)

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – Let's be crystal clear.

It is true that Israel's attack on Iranian military sites on Saturday morning was historic and unprecedented.

Never in the history of the Iranian regime – certainly not since the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s – has any foreign power, much less Israel, hit Iran so hard.

Using more than 100 fighter jets, refueling planes and spy planes, the IDF attacked about 20 Iranian sites.

Early reports suggest that Israel destroyed Iran's entire air defense system, including key early warning radar stations and the Russian-built and installed S-300 anti-aircraft missile batteries that protect Tehran and Iran's key nuclear sites.

As I explained in an ALL ISRAEL NEWS video that we published on YouTube on Saturday, these are not small developments – they are significant and important.

But they are not nearly enough.

Not after so many Israelis have been killed by the Iranian regime and its terror proxies.

Not after so many Israelis, Americans, and people from other nationalities have been taken hostage in Gaza for more than a year.

Not after all the damage that has been done to Israeli cities, towns, farms, and our economy by Iran and its terrorist allies.

Not after Israelis have been forced to go to war for 387 days, with no end in sight, all because of the wicked machinations of the Iranian regime and its terror proxies.

And certainly not after Iran and its terror proxies just tried to assassinate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his home in Caesarea on Oct. 19.


I've written this before on ALL ISRAEL NEWS but it bears repeating.

It is time for Israel to decapitate the Iranian regime.

It is time to cut off the head of the snake.

That means assassinating so-called "Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei," the wicked terror master of the Iranian regime.

It is time for Israel to utterly destroy Iran's nuclear facilities and annihilate the regime's capacity to build and deploy nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles capable of reaching Israel, our Sunni Arab allies, Europe or the United States.

It is time to dismantle Iran's oil refineries and other oil-producing infrastructure, cutting off the regime's ability to earn tens of billions in petroleum markets that fund its evil plans.

Indeed, it is time to topple the Iranian regime once and for all.

It is time to so badly damage the regime that the Iranian people will rise up and overthrow the ayatollahs and the mullahs and all the wicked players in Tehran and set the nation free to create a moderate, peaceful, democratic society that is ready to live at peace with Israel and the Arab world.

I realize that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant are under severe pressure from U.S. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris not to take such strong and decisive action against the Iranian regime.

So, again, it is indeed an important and noteworthy accomplishment – especially in these days before the Nov. 5 elections in the United States – to have Biden and Harris' tacit (if unenthusiastic) support for the attack Israel did brilliantly and effectively pull off on Saturday.

But we should be under no illusions.

This was not the magnitude or scale of the attack that Netanyahu and Gallant wanted to launch.

Rather, it was as much as they thought they could secure a "green light" for from the White House, which is weak and pathetic and allowing terrible evils to be unleashed upon the globe.

But it was not nearly enough.


The good news is that Netanyahu has done more than any Israeli leader in my memory to stand up against American pressure to surrender in Gaza and Lebanon and not take Iran seriously.

And he absolutely deserves credit for this.

More than his critics will ever give him.

But I want to be clear: Netanyahu is now facing his greatest test in Israel's darkest hour.

He knows that the door is wide open to end the Iranian threat once and for all.

He must act boldly and decisively.

If Netanyahu doesn't take stronger action soon – even against the wishes of the Biden-Harris administration – Iran will move quickly to build its nuclear arsenal.

Then, 10 million Israelis will be facing the existential threat of a Second Holocaust.

I am praying for Netanyahu and Gallant and their top advisors to have the wisdom, courage, and stamina to see this war through to its obvious and ultimate conclusion.

And I hope that those of you who are praying for the peace of Jerusalem according to Psalm 122 will join me.

The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3 that "there is a time for peace and a time for war."

I don't want war.

No one does.

But war has come.

And Israel must win it.

We don't have the manpower or the economic depth to let this war drag out for years to come.

Unlike the U.S., Israel is not a continental country with 330 million people and a $29 trillion Gross Domestic Product.

We are a small country with a small economy and an army that depends entirely on reservists, men and women forced to leave their families and their jobs and businesses to fight to save our country.

Yes, God is our Shepherd.

Yes, God is the ultimate Protector of Israel.

And for this, I am very grateful.

Yes, God could supernaturally destroy the Iranian regime – and Bible prophecies say that someday He will.

Until then, we must wisely and prayerfully make decisions that bring this war to a decisive end quickly, seeking His guidance and grace every step of the way.

As I see it, the best way to bring about true peace for Israel and its neighbors, indeed, the best way to achieve "total victory" – Netanyahu's stated objective – is to totally destroy the Iranian regime and its capacity to build and launch nuclear weapons.


Before it's too late.

Nothing less will do.

Even if Israel has to go it alone.

May God have mercy on us all.

Joel C. Rosenberg is the editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.

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