On THE ROSENBERG REPORT: Why is former US VP Mike Pence worried that Biden is weakening his support for Israel in its darkest hour?
‘If we stand firm as Israel stands firm, that will be the quickest pathway toward security and peace,’ Pence tells Joel Rosenberg

Former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is the highest-ranking Republican – and the highest-profile Evangelical Christian – to visit Israel since the beginning of the war which began on Oct. 7.
“I think that as believers, we are called to bless Israel and to stand with Israel. And it's been part of the calling of my public life and my career,” Pence told ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg.
“I thought it was so important to come and to tell not only the soldiers of Israel Defense Forces but every Israeli I've met – the American people are with you,” he added.
In Part 2 of their conversation for THE ROSENBERG REPORT, Pence shared insights from his visits to both the Gaza border and the border with Lebanon.
Since the outbreak of the war, more than 14,000 missiles were fired at Israel from these two fronts combined. All fired by Iranian proxies: Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah.
“Whether it's the Houthis in the Red Sea, Hamas or Hezbollah, we all know where the leash leads. It all leads back to Iran,” Pence stressed.

He hopes the escalation between Lebanon and Israel will not continue and the conflict will be resolved diplomatically by Hezbollah adhering to UN Security Council Resolution 1701. The resolution, which ended the Second Lebanon War in 2006, ordered the terror group to withdraw its forces at least 18 miles north of the border with the Jewish state.
Nonetheless, if not implemented peacefully, Pence has no illusions about what could come next.
“If Israel decides to take action to push Hezbollah back, the United States needs to make it clear that we'll stand with them,” he said.
Pence further explained: “There are many people that believe that that a strong American response in the region could widen the war. I believe the opposite. I truly do believe that if we stand firm as Israel stands firm, that will be the quickest pathway toward security and restoring peace in the region.”

The former vice president expects Washington to send a vigorous, unconditional message that it will stand with Israel in her fight.
“President Joe Biden, I believe in the early going here, sent a very clear and unambiguous message of support to Israel. And I welcome that… But I must tell you, I'm concerned,” Pence revealed.
Why is he worried that Biden is weakening his support for Israel in its darkest hour?
What did he learn from his meetings with the families of the hostages, families of victims and IDF soldiers?
Don’t miss Part 2 of Rosenberg’s interview with Pence and his in-depth analysis of Trump’s landslide win in the Iowa Caucuses.
What does it mean for the race ahead?

Click here to watch the full episode.
THE ROSENBERG REPORT airs Thursday nights at 9 p.m. EST and Saturday nights at 9:30 p.m. EST – on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), the most-watched Christian television network in the United States.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.