On THE ROSENBERG REPORT: Meet the most influential Jewish ministry leader in the world today, Dr. Mitch Glaser
Dr. Glaser went from a good Jewish boy in Brooklyn to a hippie on drugs in the 60’s; What led him to Jesus and to becoming a missionary to the Jewish people?

Dr. Mitch Glaser, the president of Chosen People Ministries, is the foremost leader of Jewish ministry in the world. His work involves preaching the Gospel, strengthening Jewish believers and helping young Jewish believers in Jesus grow in their faith.
Glaser is the author of ‘Isaiah 53 Explained’ which helps people embark on a personal pilgrimage to revolutionize their lives.

In this week’s episode of THE ROSENBERG REPORT on TBN, Glaser joins ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg to share the story of his own miraculous journey.
Like Rosenberg’s own father, and many others in the Jewish community, Glaser came to faith in Jesus in the early 1970s during the Jesus Revolution.
“I was brought up in an anti-Christian home, not because we knew any Christians. We barely knew any Gentiles,” Glaser told Rosenberg.
He explained that his grandparents were the only family members who survived the Nazi storm through Eastern Europe.
“We know the Nazis perpetrated the Holocaust, but in the Jewish mindset, it was the Christians,” he said.
As a child, Glaser attended an Orthodox Jewish Hebrew school four days a week and celebrated his bar mitzvah when he turned 13. One year later, he began using soft drugs, which eventually led to his consumption of marijuana and LSD, and even heroin.
“I went from being a smart Jewish boy in all special classes to a hippie with fellow drug dealers,” he recounted.
Following in the footsteps of some of his friends, Glaser began sobering up in the late 1960s as part of a personal search for “something a little deeper in life.”
What was the turning point that led Dr. Mitch Glaser to Jesus?
How did his Jewish parents react to the new change in his life?

The "Jesus Revolution" that began in the late 1960s and continued into the 70s, included a massive awakening of Jewish people, Glaser told Rosenberg.
“In the late 60s...the climate was ripe for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit because young people, Jews and non-Jews, were looking for answers,” Glaser explained, pointing to the Vietnam War, social unrest and race riots.
“Probably 30 or 40 of my friends came to the Lord within six months,” he added.
Dr. Glaser noted that between World War I and the Second World War, there was a great movement of Jews accepting Jesus, especially in Europe, where most Jews lived.
“There were hundreds of thousands of Jewish people who came to faith... But then the Holocaust came and destroyed the movement. How did that happen? They died. They died and that was the nexus of Jewish life. But the nexus of Jewish life moved to the United States,” he continued.
Nowadays, Glaser and Rosenberg said they recognize that more Jews are responding to the Gospel with openness – and even accepting Jesus as the Messiah – than ever before.

There are probably over 400 Messianic congregations in the United States where there were only 5 or 6 when I was saved, Glaser said.
A recent study revealed that 871,000 Americans of Jewish descent believe that Jesus is, in fact, the Messiah. Along with Jewish communities in Brazil, Israel and Europe, there are roughly a million followers of Jesus worldwide of Jewish descent.
How can this trend be explained?
Don’t miss this week’s episode.
THE ROSENBERG REPORT airs Thursday nights at 9 p.m. EST and Saturday nights at 9:30 p.m. EST – on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), the most-watched Christian television network in the United States.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.