International groups join Israel for ‘Global Day of Prayer for Jerusalem and the Nations’ on Pentecost
‘Our desire was to bless Israel and pray for their salvation,’ event organizers told ALL ISRAEL NEWS

A coalition of various Evangelical organizations hosted a “Global Day of Prayer for Jerusalem and the Nations” on Pentecost Sunday earlier this week.
As ALL ISRAEL NEWS reported, the event, which was located on the Southern Steps of the Temple Mount, drew protestors from Orthodox Jewish activists in Israel.
Event organizers spoke with ALL ISRAEL NEWS following the uproar caused by the protestors.
The genesis of the idea came earlier this year with a call to prayer for Israel and Jerusalem by Pastor Mike Bickle of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri.
Bickle’s challenge led his team to create a global movement – the Isaiah 62 Fast. With that 21-day global fast scheduled to end on Pentecost, a coalition of organizations decided to join the themes of the Isaiah 62 Fast and Pentecost. They decided to return to the place where the spread of the Gospel began; where the early believers received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
The groups represented were from ministries in Israel and the nations, who focused in prayer on the coming decade.
The organizers set a goal for a decade of prayer, evangelism and discipleship; calling on all Christians to respond to the Great Commission and to share the Good News with the entire world by 2033.
One of the leaders told ALL ISRAEL NEWS, “There is a coalition of groups seeking to intensify prayer and unity looking forward.”
With 2033 being the 2,000-year anniversary of the death, resurrection and ascension of Yeshua – and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit – the organizers decided that an event in Jerusalem, “the epicenter of biblical history,” the birthplace of the church and the seat of the future Messianic rule, was the perfect location to start that movement.
The director of King of Kings Ministries in Jerusalem, Chad Holland, said, “Everything from beginning to end was focused on Israel as the singular topic.” As the organizers planned the event, he said, “Romans 11 became a focused scriptural point of discussion and prayer.”
In the Book of Romans 11 speaks of the relationship between the Church – the body of believers in Yeshua and ethnic Israel. In the passage, Paul states that “all Israel will be saved.”
“Romans says that ‘some of the branches were broken off’ due to disbelief, but not all. There is a faithful remnant,” Holland continued, adding that the organizers wanted to recognize and “honor the remnant that was faithful.”
“That remnant is going to be used by God to ignite the Gentiles to faith in the God of Israel.”

For this reason, both Messianic Jewish believers in Yeshua and Gentile Evangelical organizations, including Israeli Arab Evangelicals, were present together on the Southern Steps, according to Holland.
Regarding claims made by protestors about large sums of money and attempts to evangelize, the organizers affirmed that was not the case.
“Very clear instructions were given. Our goal is not to proselytize or take anything over. The focus was on praying for Israel, that they would find their Messiah.”
Furthermore, leaders confirmed with ALL ISRAEL NEWS that no money was paid to any government organization, except “fees related to usage and registration permits.”
“We went through all the correct legal channels to obtain usage of the park,” the event organizers said.
While acknowledging Jerusalem's importance to Jews, the organizers noted that Christians have also honored Jerusalem for 2,000 years.
“Believers in Yeshua share the Hebrew Bible in common with the Jews, and all the commands to remember Jerusalem apply to us as well,” one of the organizers said.
For that reason, the Pentecost 2023 event shared the theme verse of Isaiah 62:6-7 with the Isaiah 62 Fast:
“On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest, and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise in the earth”.
Note: Some organizers spoke with ALL ISRAEL NEWS on condition of anonymity due to the nature of their work

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.