Hamas atrocities denial replaces Holocaust denial
The propaganda war against Israel

Former Knesset Member Ruth Wasserman Lande goes into disturbing detail about the savage atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists on Israeli soil, in her article entitled: “A New World Order.”
She describes the rape of mothers in front of their children, babies and infants tied together and shot in front of their parents, people being burnt alive, young women gang raped until their limbs were dismembered and babies being beheaded. While she may not have witnessed all of these deplorable images, personally, the shocking pictures, depicting many of these events, have been published and released for the purpose of documentation to an unbelieving and doubting world.
Wasserman Lande is not the only one who has outlined such horrific accounts. Zaka workers, (on-call paramedics deployed during medical emergencies), also corroborated the same stories as did on-site reporters and army personnel who were at the scene of the atrocities, tasked with the horrible job of viewing and disposing of the carnage, which left over 1,000 murdered, tortured and desecrated.
Avi Mayer, editor of the Jerusalem Post, who personally traveled to the attacked kibbutzim that border Gaza, subsequently wrote an article, entitled: "Now I know what Death Smells Like," also posted the following on X: “The Hamas murderers did the worst things you can imagine to their victims in southern Israel. They gouged people’s eyes out. They cut pregnant women’s stomachs open. They tied parents and children to one another and set them on fire. This is the evil we’re dealing with.”
To this, one person responded: “What- no mention of rapes or beheadings all of a sudden?” Another unbelievable comment read, “I heard they also abducted some civilians and took them aboard the enterprise. And Captain Kirk was tied to Spock’s member."
It’s sad to say, but these two were not isolated kooks who posted their incredulous sarcastic responses, in their attempt to deny that none of it happened.
This is what we are fighting: The venomous propaganda war of doubters, deniers, dishonest activists, liars and your garden variety evildoers. No number of photos, descriptions, corroborating testimonies, or whatever documentation that is produced, will convince them that these insane and subhuman acts of depravity, which have no place in a civilized society, took place on Oct. 7.
There are probably many reasons why these denials are being voiced. To begin with, in order to acknowledge the committing of such heinous crimes, one has to do something with that information. The first thing would be to weep and feel the terrible ache of such unspeakable treatment that mankind is capable of doing to another human being, especially innocent children.
The inconsolable grief that should be felt by each one of us for that level of barbarism cannot go without response or heavy-duty emotion. It is intolerable to even imagine the horrors experienced by those who suffered these agonies, and we, who merely read about them are obligated to feel the pangs of human anguish as we contemplate what if it had been us.
The second thing one would have to do, in order to acknowledge what was done, is to abandon all other narratives in deference to the shocking truth, which is too widespread and carefully documented in order to be brushed off as an exaggeration or a conspiracy of individuals who have concocted a wildly made-up story in order to garner support, sympathy and world attention for their cause.
Yet, as absurd and delusional as that sounds, there are campuses filled with young people categorically stating that all of these atrocities were made up and did not occur. In fact, a number of media outlets, including NBC News and CNN have done their part to cast grave doubt on the veracity of the reports, especially concerning the beheading of babies. They claim that no photo evidence has been provided to the public nor corroborating claims.
These media claims have been used as the mantra of a generation of young people, who have decided that it is preferable to be in league with bloodthirsty terrorists than to accept the documented word of citizens, military personnel, reporters and medical workers, all of whom saw these horrors with their own eyes. For years, all many of them have heard is that Israel is a country of colonizers and occupiers. They have no framework of the history of the Jewish people, their land or how Israel became a nation.
But when considering the fact that these ignorant young people, who are so vested in the perpetuation and promotion of Palestinian victimhood, would be forced to abandon their raison d’etre in order to accept Israel’s reports as true, holding onto their false claims, to them, is preferable. That is because it would mean joining forces with the other side, who doesn’t necessarily share their world view, their politics or their twisted and sick values that give meaning to their sad lives.
For many of them, today’s university experience is not based on how much they can learn, the great career they will be able to attain as a result of their prestigious degree, or even the privilege of being enlightened and educated in a free and democratic country. No, for them, it is the discovery and adoption of post-modern neo-Marxist ideology, which seeks to dismantle patriotism, the value of family, love of God and freedom, regard for one’s fellow man, and every good ideal for which people gave their lives and would gladly do so again.
Theirs is a new world order which rejects age-old principles for newfound rebellion and taking up the cause of those who have distorted history and cynically used people to further a particular agenda which has neither a solution nor an ending. It is, instead, meant to be a perpetual thorn in the side of humanity which conveniently provides a visual talking point on how evil the civilized world remains, even with all their great advancements and developments for the good of all mankind.
It is a calculated morass from which we must never emerge, designed to make us feel guilty, miserable and woefully sinful before the true arbiters of justice, righteousness and the definition of real humanity – these atrocity deniers!
Perhaps the greatest irony in all of this is that they are willingly holding the water for barbarians who would no sooner exterminate all of them faster than they could post their garbage tweets in the hope of exonerating these demons.
Yes, a lot of weeping must take place – not only for those whose precious lives were snuffed away in one moment but also for the hearts and minds of so many young people who refuse to believe the wicked and depraved nature of man without a renewed spirit – that only can come from the Almighty.
In doing the bidding of monsters, they, too, are the ugliest part of humanity that exists in our world, but it won’t be long before reality catches up with them, because, sadly, these horrors will not be contained only to the Middle East. They are headed right to their front door!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.