Australian parliamentarian wants to accept Gazan refugees

Former Australian Olympic bronze medalist, Zali Steggall, turned politician, should stick to what she does best, Alpine skiing, because when it comes to having knowledge of the Middle East, specifically regarding the residents of Gaza, she is way out of her depth.
During an impassioned speech she gave on Thursday, Steggall harshly rebuked Peter Dutton, leader of the Australian conservatives, who had, just days before, called “to bar refugees from Gaza due to the risk that they could be Hamas sympathizers.”
Accusing Dutton of being a racist, Steggall, despite knowing nothing about Gazans, advocated for them stating, “These are families that you are seeking to paint that somehow they are all terrorists, that they should all be mistrusted, and they are not worthy of humanitarian aid.”
While Steggall empathizes with these refugees, she cannot be certain that Dutton’s fears are completely unfounded when he says that some may be Hamas sympathizers. After all, many of these people are the same individuals who openly celebrated the October 7th massacre on the streets of Gaza, turned in an escaped hostage back to the hands of Hamas, spit on Israeli bodies that were paraded in the middle of town, looted kibbutz communities and betrayed the Israelis who provided them with jobs. So why should their deplorable actions earn Dutton the title of racist?
When you read up on Zali Steggall, it quickly becomes apparent that she embraces Woke ideology, a view which tends to subscribe a misplaced empathy upon those who claim to be oppressed victims but who hope to disenfranchise others whom they assert are the problem.
What is clear is that Steggall doesn’t seem to be familiar with the type of extreme Islamic culture that breeds hate, fear, loathing and intolerance of all others, especially Jews, which is the basis of the indoctrination deposited into their children from birth.
It is this kind of toxic belief that is responsible for the exclusive enclaves throughout Europe and Canada where only Muslims reside and where displayed signs declare that only Sharia Law is regarded in these zones. It is a well-known fact that Parisian police, as well as law enforcement in other countries, such as the UK and Belgium, do not ever enter those areas for fear of what will happen to them if they do. So why does Steggall think that inviting Gazans to live in Australia would not result in the same type of practices?
But as a fierce climate change proponent, champion of transgenders and advocate for “rights of children,” as opposed to allowing parents to make choices for their families, it is no wonder that Steggall buys into the usual Woke agenda, which sees Israel as the aggressor, conveniently disregarding the fact that there are also tens of thousands of Jewish refugees who have been displaced from their homes, as a direct result of the democratically-elected terrorist government chosen by the same people she believes should be granted entrance into Australia.
It is this kind of blatant ignorance, which resorts to calling others racist, when they have enough insight to figure out for themselves what could happen if their doors are generously opened to people who neither share their Western values of “love thy neighbor” nor value the sanctity of life for their own children whom they happily send off to die in a war which they see as just. Seeing martyrdom as one’s highest calling, how is it possible for Australians to find common ground with people who rejoice in the demise of their own family members?
It's one thing for Steggall, who has already experienced many accomplishments and, undoubtedly, has set goals and aspirations for herself, to play to the far-left base of her constituency, but why does she not realize that these brainwashed, deluded people, who threw in their lot with avowed terrorists, will never have the advantages and opportunities which she has been afforded, because their view, as it relates to the purpose of life and how to live it, is millions of miles apart from what she believes, even as a leftist.
What she apparently doesn’t know is that the children of Gazans are sent off to summer camps, at very young ages, where they are indoctrinated on the need to eradicate their neighbors, just to the north, who don’t deserve to live, because they are viewed an abomination to Allah.
According to, the enemies of Jews “are permitted to disgrace, humiliate and subdue them.” They are encouraged to “punish and torment Jews,” setting up a “place of permanent detention, a prison which cannot be avoided or escaped. The Children of Israel returned to aggression, so Allah sent this group against them, Muhammed and his companions, who made them pay with willing submission and feeling themselves subdued.”
This is the steady diet of education, force-fed into the children of Gaza, replacing the academic studies Western kids receive in order to prepare them for a successful future and happy life. But, unlike them, these Gaza kids grow up and become the new generation of terrorists who are determined to rid the world of all Jews and then pursue the remaining infidels a/k/a anyone who does not adhere to Islam.
Why would any sane or normal person believe that allowing such individuals into their country will result in turning them into loyal, productive and hard-working citizens who respect their new neighbors? It is an experiment that is marked with suicide all over it and one which can only open the gates of anarchy and tyranny the likes of which Australians are not even able to imagine.
There is already a strong Muslim lobby, within, Australia which is pushing for an immediate ceasefire and recognition of a Palestinian state. That majority is comprised of the estimated 800,00 + Muslims who now call it their home, already making up 3.2% of the population. Along with them are those, like Steggall, who are not too concerned that a larger infusion will cause dramatic changes to the character of the country or influence its citizens not to support Israel.
As a visitor to Australia, even back in 2018, seeing many women in full burqas at malls, on the streets and just about every public area was not a rare occurrence. I can’t imagine what it’s like some five years later, but as an Israeli, who is a bit more familiar with the culture of Gaza, I can only hope that being labeled racist does not sway Australians into making a tragic mistake which they would certainly live to regret, because if they do, it could be their last.

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.