Though I’m not usually a fan of Christian movies, I was blown away by this one
Though I’m not usually a fan of Christian movies, I was blown away by this one
As Israel turns 75, this creative new YouTube video was produced by The Bible Prophecy Project
But there is hope; here’s the biblical case I laid out last week on THE ROSENBERG REPORT
Plus, TBN will broadcast live tonight from the campus of Asbury University at 8 p.m. EST– don’t miss it
Chris Mitchell just returned to Jerusalem from 10 days in Turkey and gives us an eyewitness report
Netanyahu addressed the national security forum in Tel Aviv last night; it was off-the-record but we have extended quotes of what he said
Pastor Wayne Hilsden says he was deeply moved at the sight of young people humbling themselves in worship and confession before the living God
Christians from all over America, Israel and the world are arriving to see what God is doing – so is the national media
In a rare 90 minute interview, David Limbaugh opens up and reflects on the 2nd anniversary of his brother’s passing
What does Bible prophecy say about why God sends earthquakes – and are bigger quakes coming?
Joel C. Rosenberg is the editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.