Raid came amid continued terror attacks against Israeli targets
Raid came amid continued terror attacks against Israeli targets
Cleric, scholar Issam Amira calls for Islamic caliphate over nationalism
The Nablus-based group presents itself as a unifying force of violence in the West Bank – and a revolutionary phenomenon against both the PA and Israel
On Monday, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs removed text about the recognition of “West Jerusalem” from its website
New boutique hotel employs people with disabilities
Let’s help Palestinians grow economy instead, Rosenberg argues
Located in the West Bank city of Beit Jala, Jemima provides care and lots of love for residents with disabilities
The pilot program focuses on Palestinians residing in Bethlehem and Hebron
European partners react, reject Israel’s designation of NGOs as ‘terrorist’ organizations
PA hopes time is right to make another bid for inclusion; will lobby Arab, European nations for votes