Israeli forces shot and killed an Israeli Bedouin Arab who reportedly tried to steal a weapon from an Israeli security officer
Israeli forces shot and killed an Israeli Bedouin Arab who reportedly tried to steal a weapon from an Israeli security officer
The Tower of David’s recognition on the prestigious list comes just months ahead of its scheduled grand re-opening to the public on June 1
PRAYERS AND POLITICS: ‘We don’t have a monopoly on God' – Rabbi says everyone can pray at Western Wall
Police call Jerusalem's Old City the 1-square kilometer that affects the world
The Armenian Museum is a history buff's dream with a dark side of genocide as well
Preliminary excavations for a pavement-stones restoration project brought to light the ancient construction site dated to the era of Roman Emperor Constantine
Does the attack underscore the rise of Hamas in Jerusalem – and the weakening of the Palestinian Authority?
Watch as Catholic scouts march through the Old City's New Gate on their way to Notre Dame in Jerusalem for Palm Sunday