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Israeli soldier killed, 16 wounded in explosion exiting Jenin after overnight anti-terror operation

IDF says it has noted increased IED use and production in recent months

Israeli IDF Captain Alon Sacagiu, killed in a roadside bomb attack in the city of Jenin, northern Samaria, June 27, 2024. (Photo: Social media)

An Israeli soldier was killed and 16 soldiers wounded in an IDF anti-terror operation in Jenin overnight. 

Captain Alon Sacagiu was killed when Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) planted deep beneath the road in Jenin exploded as IDF vehicles were passing over a road section at the entrance to the city. 

Sacagiu served as commander of a sniper platoon in the Haruv Patrol of the Kfir Brigade. He was posthumously promoted to the rank of captain. 

According to details released by the IDF, a brigade ambulance vehicle was hit by an IED buried deeply beneath the road. The road had already been scraped clear by a D9 bulldozer to expose the presence of IEDs, however, the IED was reportedly buried deeper than usual, around 1.5 meters (5 feet) below the road surface. 

After the ambulance crew reported the explosion, along with minor injuries and damage to their vehicle, additional forces arrived to assist them. At that moment, a second explosion occurred, killing Sacagiu and wounding six other soldiers, one critically. IDF officials believe the second explosion was remotely triggered by terrorists monitoring the scene.

Following the investigation, troops discovered indications of a wireless activation system for one of the devices. The IDF is also investigating how the second set of troops, which came to rescue those injured in the first explosion, attempted to unload the vehicle. The IDF has protocols for such scenarios in order to minimize the risk of an IED trap, such as the one that killed Sacagiu. By studying the incident, the IDF hopes to prevent similar attacks in the future. 

In total, 16 soldiers sustained mostly mild-to-moderate injuries from the explosions. 

Over the past few months, the IDF's Judea and Samaria Division has noticed an increase in IED production and use in terror hotspots in the Palestinian Territories, particularly near the so-called refugee camps in the northern part of West Bank. The IDF and Border Patrol are working to locate and dismantle the laboratories being used to produce IEDs and arrest those involved.

Following the incident, IDF and Border Patrol continued with the original operation, arresting three terrorists at a government hospital in Jenin, one of whom was reportedly wounded in a firefight with Israeli forces. 

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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