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Released Israeli Bedouin hostage to PM Netanyahu: ‘Israel did sacred duty, but there are more people who are waiting’

Qaid Farhan al-Qadi also told President Herzog how moved he was when he heard IDF soldiers coming to rescue him from Hamas captivity

Rescued Israeli hostage Qaid Farhan al-Qadi meets family members in the hospital, Aug. 27, 2024 (Photo: Yossi Ifergan)

Freed Israeli hostage Qaid Farhan al-Qadi (52) from the Bedouin minority in Israel appeared to have been found alone in an underground tunnel in Gaza, The New York Times reported on Tuesday. 

Quoting unnamed senior officials, the report revealed that IDF soldiers found the hostage “by chance” as they were scouring through a Hamas terror tunnel. They discovered him without guards, in a room located 80 feet (20 meters) below the ground. 

The soldiers initially feared that Farhan al-Qadi was a Hamas operative, but quickly realized he was an Israeli hostage. He seemed weak and malnourished, and reportedly didn’t have much strength to get out of the tunnel by himself. 

Al-Qadi, a father of 11, who resides in the southern Bedouin Arab city of Rahat, reunited with members of his family at the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva. 

Rescued Israeli hostage Qaid Farhan al-Qadi on the helicopter with IDF special forces, Aug. 27, 2024 (Photo: IDF)

A few hours after his rescue, he spoke on the phone with both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog. He described the moment he realized he was being saved from Hamas captivity after more than 10 months.

“Suddenly, I heard someone speaking Hebrew outside the door, I couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe it,” Farhan told Herzog, thanking him for celebrating his return. “I thank you very much. This is thanks to our army, they are doing a sacred duty, risking their lives. Thank you very much, Mr. President.”

“I am grateful to the State of Israel, to the army, who came. People are suffering there. Do everything you can to bring people home. Work 24 hours, don’t sleep until they return. People are really suffering, you can’t imagine,” Al-Qadi said. 

Herzog replied: “You went through hell there, I understand, it's hard. The most important thing is to bring everyone back. Thank God you’ve returned, and now you can see your entire big family."

"We are very, very proud of the army, the Shin Bet, and all the forces that took part in this amazing operation. There are still so many brothers and sisters there, and we want them all home, the entire nation of Israel is with us. The entire country, the entire state. Welcome back, dear brother, and good health,” the president said.

Transcript of Netanyahu's conversation with Farhan al-Qadi:  

Prime Minister Netanyahu: "Farhan, hello to you my friend. Welcome back!"

Farhan al-Qadi: "Hello; welcome. Hello Bibi, Abu [father of] Yair!"

Netanyahu: "Farhan, I am so happy to speak with you.” 

Al-Qadi: "I am also happy. I have been waiting for this moment. I swear to you, Abu Yair." 

Netanyahu: "Tell me, have you already met with your family?"

Al-Qadi: "Yes, two of my children are here."

Netanyahu: "I want you to know that we are truly moved from the depth of our hearts, for both you and your family." 

Al-Qadi: "I thank you for this work, that you have reached a situation in which I see my family and am here. You truly did sacred work. There are other people who are waiting."

Netanyahu: "I want you to know that we're not forgetting anyone, just like we did not forget you. We are committed to returning everyone, without exception." 

Al-Qadi: "I thank you very much. I invite you, Abu Yair."

Netanyahu: "Thank you. I would like you to embrace your family and I want you to know that the entire people of Israel embraces you, and the others. We will bring them." 

Al-Qadi: "Thank you. May it be G-d's will. Thank you very much."

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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