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Hamas video shows terrorist firing mortar rounds from civilian area in Rafah

A Hamas terrorist fires a mortar shell from a civilian area in Rafah (Photo: Screenshot)

Hamas leaders have repeatedly denied that the group operates in civilian areas. However, contradicting its own official narrative, the terror organization released footage of a Hamas terrorist firing mortar rounds from a civilian area in the southern Gazan city of Rafah. The footage was reportedly from a tent being used to shelter displaced Gazans in the area, with Hamas claiming it was targeting an IDF helicopter.

"Hamas released footage of a terrorist using a civilian area as a launch site," the Israeli military spokesperson stated. "This exemplifies Hamas' strategy: launching rockets from any location, preferably amid civilians."

This was far from an isolated incident with Palestinian terrorists in Gaza operating in civilian areas. In May, an IDF drone filmed Hamas operating in a United Nations agency facility in Rafah.

IDF International Spokesman Lt.-Col. Nadav Shoshani stated, “The presence of weapons and gunmen at a humanitarian compound represents a clear violation of UNRWA’s own charter and policy.”

“This video of terrorists on a UN compound should raise serious questions: What are terrorists doing inside a UN compound? Why are they shooting at civilians? And what exactly is UNRWA‘s involvement?” Shoshani asked, referring to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.

IDF Lt.-Col. (R.) Peter Lerner blasted the UN for permitting Hamas terrorists to use its presumably neutral facilities.

“UNRWA pledges neutrality, no weapons allowed on their sites. There is nothing neutral about Hamas gunmen with their pickups and AK-47 on the UN premises,” Lerner wrote on 𝕏.

Hamas’ decision to operate in civilian areas endangers its population and constitutes a war crime, according to international law.

In late May, the IDF eliminated two senior Hamas terrorists in Rafah during an aerial strike. The Hamas-run Gazan Health Ministry quickly claimed that 35 civilians were killed and dozens more wounded as a result of the attack.

The UN, the European Union and other international organizations were quick to blame Israel, however, an IDF probe later indicated that the civilians were killed by secondary explosions, and may have been due to a Hamas arms depot that exploded.

Furthermore, the top Hamas chief in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, has reportedly described Palestinian civilian casualties in Gaza as a “necessary sacrifice” to “infuse life into the veins of this nation, prompting it to rise to its glory and honor,” according to the Wall Street Journal, which analyzed dozens of messages he communicated to allies over several months.

Hamas has systematically exaggerated the number of civilian casualties in Gaza as a tool to increase international political pressure on Israel to halt its offensive against the Iranian-backed terrorist organization.

In February, the WSJ reported that Sinwar was confident that the mounting civilian casualties resulting from the war would eventually lead to international pressure to the extent that Israel would be forced to stop the war.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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