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God Works in Us

Written by David Wallis from Kingman Prison, AZ, June 22, 2024 

No man has life until to Yeshua he surrenders his will; 
   then Yeshua reveals to him how his life can be a thrill. 
   Our body is God’s temple and His presence casts out all fear; 
   then we desire every hour His precious voice to hear. 

Abiding in God’s Word, memorizing His truths and light, 
   gives us the mind of Christ, His thoughts, faith, insight. 
   For it is God who works in us both to will and do His good
   when we enter into Christ — the only life and earthly treasure. 

Now understanding God’s Word we love His chosen people the 
   who have been persecuted, maligned, and hated by the lost
     and fake news. 
   But the world will soon know Jerusalem — the throne of the
     Great King,  
   when everyone on Earth will fill the air with worship to Yeshua
     they sing! 

Howard Bass is the congregation pastor/leader of Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua's Inheritance) in Beer Sheva, Israel.

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