Will Hunter Biden’s crimes hurt 'The Big Guy’s' chances for re-election?

The charges of felony gun possession and tax evasion have been a long time coming, following a lengthy five-year investigation, but when your name is Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, it’s par for the course. No one seemed to be shocked that these two misdemeanors are the only consequences, at the moment, which Hunter will have to confront, and so he has, by pleading guilty – also coming as no surprise.
It is already a foregone conclusion that Hunter will never see the inside of a jail cell, and, why would he, when he is protected and insulated from the punishment which would befall anyone else who doesn’t have Biden privilege? In fact, it is this same privilege which secured a deal, that was predicated on an agreement, made with U.S. attorney, David Weiss, who will recommend probation rather than incarceration.
But while Hunter seems to be getting away scot-free, will his father?
Because what is being viewed as preferential treatment, on steroids, can very easily receive an in-kind reaction, by voters, in the 2024 presidential elections, as they return their own verdict over what they believe to be unjust weights and scales.
Try earning a whopping $1,500,000, over the course of two years, and not filing a tax return. One thing is for sure. It wouldn’t end up with a slap on the wrist. But that is, more or less, the penalty which Hunter will suffer for being five years late in paying $100,000 worth of back taxes. Add to that the gun charges, which claim he possessed a firearm, while being addicted to a controlled substance. Yet another sweet deal which promises that if he manages to stay out of trouble, for the next couple of years, that charge will likely be expunged from his record altogether.
But the question about whether or not these charges will affect his father’s chances for re-election is, perhaps, not even relevant. That is because, unless someone hasn’t been watching the news, reading a newspaper or is completely oblivious to world events, most everyone already knows that Hunter Biden has been associated with some very shameful and reprehensible behavior in recent years.
Associated with prostitutes, hard drugs, accusations of selling access, to his father, to adversarial governments, being enriched by those same foreign enemies, who wanted favors, impregnating a stripper, and not paying child support, along with much more, Hunter’s humiliating and degrading activities have not seemed to repel die-hard Democrats or the media.
If anything, there remains a concerted and orchestrated effort to cover up for his many indiscretions, while whitewashing his immoral lifestyle, by trying to convince everyone that he’s on the mend and moving forward in productive and positive ways. After all, his paintings are fetching as much as $500,000, so we should all give him a break because he’s gainfully employed in a legitimate business. The irony is that no one in the media seems to think that it’s unreasonable for a novice artist to be paid such vast sums for his paintings.
While all this is playing out, an ongoing investigation is being led by Congressman James Comer, who chairs the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. In his belief that Joe Biden became enriched, through his son’s alleged business dealings of selling access, he has repeatedly been stonewalled and prevented from being able to view incriminating documents which would reveal a well-hidden trail of finances paid, by foreign actors, ultimately finding their way into Joe Biden’s pocket. There is still no identity of “The Big Guy,” for whom 10% of funds were being held.
If such a revelation could be made public, not only would that greatly hurt Biden’s chances for re-election, but it would also likely be the cause of immediate impeachment charges for what would be looked upon as a treasonous act, the likes of which has never been committed by a sitting U.S. president.
And this is why all roads leading to such a scandalous disclosure are being guarded and refused access even by those who have every legal right to obtain those documents. Media outlets, government agencies, big tech, the Democrat party and social media have all circled the wagons around their preferred candidate, and the likelihood that the truth will emerge before the 2024 election comes around is zero, if they have their way.
That means that eligible voters will have to make every effort to educate themselves on the troubling claims, being made by credible voices, on the other side of the political aisle, by government leaders and reliable news outlets, by whistleblowers and first-hand sources, who have had business dealings with Hunter Biden and have no axe to grind, because they’ve already been convicted themselves.
All of their accounts will be televised, recorded and well-documented, for those who care to be informed as to whether or not the Bidens are being controlled by foreign governments, rendering this administration seriously compromised and unable to put U.S. interests first.
So, for the moment, Hunter’s calculated decision to take full responsibility for his criminal actions, probably will not move the coming-election needle. In fact, some might feel the same kind of sympathy for him that has been expressed by a White House spokesperson, on behalf of his parents, stating, “The President and First Lady love their son and support him, as he continues to rebuild his life.” They went on to say, “We will have no further comment.”
That’s it! The package has been wrapped and tied with a neat, little bow, as far as they’re concerned. Sadly, many might see it the same way.
In truth, the things likely to affect the upcoming presidential election will be the direction the economy takes, prior to the vote, any unforeseen switch in candidates, should Joe Biden not be able to run, and finally, oh yes, did I mention the situation of the economy? Because by October 2024, everyone will begin to internalize how much money is or isn’t in their pockets. Dollars to donuts, (pun intended) that will end up being the real deciding factor!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.