VIDEO: Rosh Hashanah is not merely a Jewish holiday
Watch Pastor Meno Kalisher explain about the significance of the Memorial of Blowing of Trumpets
Rosh Hashanah is the start of the Jewish New Year. However, this holiday's original name in the Bible is the 'Memorial of Blowing of Trumpets.' It is one of God's appointed times with profound spiritual significance for all nations, not just for the Jewish people.
Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. Lev. 23:23-24
Meno Kalisher, Pastor of Jerusalem Assembly House of Redemption in Israel, offers valuable insights into the universal aspects of this holiday. In this short video, he demonstrates how the significance of the Memorial of Blowing of Trumpets celebration expresses eternal truths that transcend cultural boundaries.
Here is a transcript of the video by Meno Kalisher:
Shalom to all our friends of All Israel News. My name is Meno Kalisher. I serve as a pastor at Jerusalem Assembly House of Redemption in Jerusalem, Israel. I'll say a few words about the feast of Rosh Hashanah. But according to Leviticus 23:23-24, it is called Remembrance of the Trumpet, which is Zichron Teruah in Hebrew.
So God calls this holiday Zichron Teruah or Remembrance of the Trumpet. We call it Rosh Hashanah. What should we remember? The trumpet. What did the people of Israel understood by that? Well, the last time they heard the trumpet was on Mount Sinai. It was the voice of the Lord. The voice of the Lord is a trumpet.
We know that according to Jeremiah 6:17, Jeremiah uses the trumpet as a synonym for the name God. I send them the people to teach them, and they rejected the voice of the trumpet. So the voice of the trumpet is God himself.
What did the voice of the trumpet tell them? He prescribed to them the Ten Commandments. So in this Remembrance of the Trumpet holiday, which is the first day of Tishrei, the people of Israel are commanded to return back to the Ten Commandments announcement on Mount Sinai and to check their life.
This is God's standard. This is the law. He's perfect. And where are you now? You know the standard. Will you repent?
So Remembrance of the Trumpet is bringing you back to the standard, to the Word of God, to the absolute purity, holiness and righteousness. So you may see how you are not like this. And when you see how much you are lacking, the Law basically drives you for repentance.
It's a reset in life. Before the Day of Atonement comes, you have ten days to return back to the Bible. Check yourself. Stand clean before God in the appointed time Day of Atonement. Do you take the remembrance of the trumpet as a daily bread to be ready to see the face of the Lord and in a holy way of living? Serve him today? I do. What about you?

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.