Critics of the list say it is a tool of the BDS movement, claim it harms Palestinians as much as the Jewish companies
Critics of the list say it is a tool of the BDS movement, claim it harms Palestinians as much as the Jewish companies
The citizen-led teams and rescue ATVs are unique in Israel – and possibly the world
According to the book written by White House chief correspondent Peter Baker, the Jordanian king said he was so overwhelmed with the offer that he felt like he couldn’t breathe
The former U.S. president approved the move on condition that Netanyahu would accept a future Palestinian state
ALL ISRAEL NEWS tries to answer all of your most pressing questions about the West Bank.
Archaeological artifacts in the biblical site of Sebastia in the West Bank were found damaged, burnt and painted on with Arabic writing
ALL ISRAEL NEWS reports from the biblical heartland where some Jewish residents are not worried about the looming lapse of Israeli sovereignty in the region
Opposition move to reject Judea-Samaria bill gives ammunition to Israel’s enemies and jeopardizes Israeli citizens