Shooting near Nablus kills 2 Israelis
Gunman opened fire at Israeli vehicle near Palestinian town of Huwara

Two Israelis were shot dead in a terror attack earlier today while traveling through Palestinian territories in Judea and Samaria.
The Israelis were traveling near the Palestinian town of Huwara, south of Nablus, when a gunman opened fire at the Israeli-plated vehicle.
Israel Defense Forces said a Palestinian gunman attacked the car as it entered the town, fired multiple shots at point-blank range, and then ran away.
The two were taken in military intensive care ambulance to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikvah, but were declared dead before arrival.
IDF forces blockaded the road and were on a manhunt for the shooter at the time of publication.
The head of the Beit El council, Shai Alon, was in the car directly in front of the victims. He said he heard shots and then the victims’ car crashed into his. He said when he first heard the shots, he thought they were directed at him.
Some Palestinian youths who were nearby said, "An armed man came out of nowhere, fired a pistol non-stop at the two who were in their car and ran away. We were in shock, he did it within a few minutes."
The attack happened at the same time that a summit between Israeli and Palestinian leaders was taking place in Jordan, aimed at de-escalating the violence. The summit in Aqaba involved leaders from Israel, the Palestinian Authority, the U.S., Jordan, and Egypt.
A similar meeting was held in 2012, which involved talks between Israel and the PA in Jordan and were also attended by representatives from the U.S., the European Union, Russia, and the UN.
Following the attack, Settlement Affairs Minister Orit Struck called for the immediate return of the Israeli delegation from Aqaba, saying, "There is no place for a meeting with those who pay the murderers of Jews.”
Following the attack, the Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved the death penalty law for terrorists. Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara said she opposes the death penalty as she does not believe the death penalty is a deterrent to terrorism. She also believes the bill violates the Basic Law on Human Rights.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.