Rather than concern over massive infrastructural damage in Gaza, Times of Israel article reports that Hamas has been “emboldened”
Rather than concern over massive infrastructural damage in Gaza, Times of Israel article reports that Hamas has been “emboldened”
Support for Hamas is surging – and 60% of Palestinians support return to "armed confrontations and intifada" against Israel
Hamas warned that the scheduled flag march by ultranationalist Jews in Jerusalem could ignite a new Gaza war and even a regional conflict
Israeli negotiator dismisses recording, calls tactic “cheap and transparent manipulation”
Israel accuses Hamas of double war crimes for such fighting – firing at Israeli civilians from within civilian population centers
Eitan Na’eh says Iranian and Hamas leaders want to blow up normalization, but Na’eh praises UAE leaders for the vision and courage to stay the course
Hamas doubles down, Hezbollah weighs in: Violations at al-Aqsa could trigger regional war
In exclusive interview on The Eric Metaxas Radio Show, ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief reflects on what triggered the latest Israel-Gaza conflict