Numbers soar despite tight restrictions, no school and most businesses closed for almost a week now; Vaccinations however continue at world's fastest pace
Numbers soar despite tight restrictions, no school and most businesses closed for almost a week now; Vaccinations however continue at world's fastest pace
Strict enforcement of rules expected with police checkpoints keeping citizens to a 1 km radius
On the eve of a lockdown, hospitals chiefs warning they are stretched to capacity as virus running rampant
Israel's decision to declare the newly opened UAE a "red" country could be harming
It's getting hard to count which lockdown we are in, but Israel is about to tighten the screws on #3 making it look like a new shut down altogether
Many Israelis racing to get vaccine just to avoid continued restrictions; Others fear infringement on their freedoms if they avoid new COVID shot
Lockdowns, they say, are an excessive response to deal with Israel’s COVID-19 infection rates; Politicians who voted for them are responsible for ‘the destruction of the people and the state’
Reversal of short-lived ruling allows Israelis to isolate at home
Will the Israeli economy - and society - be able to weather a third lockdown and eventually turn things around?