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Running into the fire: Israeli tour guide explains why Christians still come to Israel

A group of Christians visiting Israel (Photo courtesy)

Remarkable as it might seem, with rockets raining down on Israel and flights canceled on all airlines except for Israel's own airline company, El-Al, they keep coming. Christians from all nations are still traveling to Israel in the face of considerable challenges and danger in order to pray, see the sites and serve.

In a recent interview with Chris Mitchell on CBN, tour guide Hanna Ben Haim shared insights into her experiences while guiding groups and what she has seen.

“They're so earnestly vigilant to pray. I've been really belittled by the fervent prayers that some of these groups bring when they come here. You know, their hearts are just ringing to be in this land. And so when they get here, it's almost like an instant, you know, beginning; and they're ready to start praying in a moment, in a moment.” 

It’s hard for those geographically distant from the Middle East to have a good sense of what is happening, to learn about what Israelis are facing, and what God is doing in the land. Hanna believes that visiting Israel in person helps people understand for themselves what’s happening in a way no media outlet can.

“You know, the land itself is evangelizing them. The land is speaking to them. The people are speaking to them. So, what an incredible opportunity to come here and pray, on-site. And I think that for most of these groups, they don't take it lightly. They're very, very, privileged, and they know it. And they're going to go home with the goods if you know what I mean. You're going to go like, I've seen it, I know it. We've got to keep going, you know?”

There’s no doubt that tourists bring a blessing to Israel, not only in terms of contributing to an economy heavily dependent on the tourist industry but also the choice that visitors make in showing their solidarity when Israel is under attack. Ben Haim emphasized, “It’s very encouraging.”

When asked, “Do you think there's an intensity that you haven't seen, after October 7th, when these groups come?” Ben Haim replied positively.

“Certainly in prayer… A regular tour group will pray. I mean, we do pray. We visit places, we pray in different places… This is the time to pray and stand in the gap and believe God for every word that he's promised this land and this people.. this is where they're going.  And this is, you know, this is jet fuel. For someone who really wants to pray, being here in this land is just more than life from the dead, you know, it's just exciting. And so even though they can't tour, per se, it's a very different kind of tour, a lot of it is truncated, they're not disappointed at all.”

“They're praying, of course, for protection. They're praying for our armed forces. They're praying for our government. But most of all, the bottom line is God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. And so they're praying the Word of God. They're praying the Word of God and believing and standing in it. And these are the nations interceding for Israel and for the people who are still blinded. It's awesome.”

In an interview with ALL ISRAEL NEWS, Ben Haim shared pertinent verses for this time, including Luke 12:35-36: “Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning, and be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the wedding feast, so that they may open the door to him at once when he comes and knocks.”

She also urged believers to take the scriptures to heart, saying, “Get ready for the coming King and burn brightly.”

Reflecting on the imperative in Isaiah 62 not to stay silent for the sake of Zion, Ben Haim said, “That's the mandate of the church today. And, that's a very strong mandate. There are no more vacations, no more time out. You know, you can't ignore the mandate that God has put on the church to intercede, stand in the gap and believe him to make this city a praise and all the earth. You don't have to be physically on the walls of Jerusalem to pray for Jerusalem, because Jerusalem is ground zero of the New Kingdom that's coming.”

She told CBN that the eyes of the world were on Israel for a reason.

“God wants them to see this. How much more the church should be standing in that place of knowing his soon return, and praying into his word, standing on it and believing it,” adding a strong exhortation to pray at this critical time.

“I'd say, get on your face and start crying out, because this is not a time to lay down the weapons of your warfare. This is a time to sharpen them."

Jo Elizabeth has a great interest in politics and cultural developments, studying Social Policy for her first degree and gaining a Masters in Jewish Philosophy from Haifa University, but she loves to write about the Bible and its primary subject, the God of Israel. As a writer, Jo spends her time between the UK and Jerusalem, Israel.

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