All Israel
News brief

New poll: Gantz rises, gap between blocs narrows but no clear majority

Benny Gantz’s National Unity Party rose to 31 projected mandates in a new election poll published by Israel's Maariv newspaper on Friday.

If elections were held today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party would garner 28 seats, Yesh Atid would receive 15, Shas would earn 10 and United Torah Judaism would earn seven seats.

Next in line, the Religious Zionism party, Yisrael Beytenu, Ra’am, Hadash-Ta’al and Jewish Power (Otzma Yehudit) would each receive five mandates, while Meretz would get four.

Looking at the blocs, the current coalition would receive 55 seats, while the opposition would receive 60, as Hadash-Ta’al traditionally does not join the government.

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