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Netanyahu speaks to Biden about Hamas' response to Israeli ceasefire proposal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with then US Vice President Joe Biden at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, on March 9, 2016, during Biden's official visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority. (Photo by Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)

U.S. President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on the phone on Thursday, where Netanyahu wished the U.S. president a Happy Independence Day,

The two leaders spoke about Netanyahu’s decision to send a delegation to continue negotiations for a ceasefire with Hamas and Netanyahu also made it clear that Israel would only end the war after all of Israel’s goals have been achieved in Gaza, according to i24 news.

Politico reported that a senior Biden administration official, who wished to remain anonymous, said Netanyahu and Biden talked about Hamas' response to the most recent Israeli proposal for a hostage and ceasefire deal.

According to the official, “Hamas has moved closer toward accepting a multi-phase ceasefire deal with Israel that over time aims to see hostages released, fighting stopped and rebuilding begin in the territory,” Politico wrote.

The Biden official said the terror group's response “does not mean this deal is going to be closed in a period of days,” but he noted that the outstanding issues are mostly about the implementation of the deal. The White House reportedly believes that “there’s a pretty significant opening here.”

Hamas has demanded a permanent ceasefire and for Israeli forces to withdraw completely from the Gaza Strip.

During their phone conversation, Netanyahu reportedly said to Biden that there would be no freedom in the world without the United States. Biden reportedly replied by saying there is no security for Jews worldwide without Israel.  

Netanyahu wrote a post on 𝕏, congratulating Americans on their Fourth of July celebrations, commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776.

“On this Fourth of July, I want to thank the American people for being true to their birthright, the Spirit of 1776, and wish them a happy and blessed Independence Day," Netanyahu began.

"Through thick and thin, for the past nine months, Israel has deeply appreciated vital American support. In these times of national crisis, as the people of Israel fight a seven-front war for our national survival against Iran and its terror proxies, it is heartening to know that far from standing alone, we have the support of the greatest democracy the world has ever known,” Netanyahu wrote.

“Israelis saw on October 7 what it would mean if we ever lost our freedom. We understood this is not a war of choice but a war for survival. Americans saw the atrocities of October 7, and they understood the stakes as well, not just for Israel but for the free world as a whole. Israel, a peace-loving democracy and America’s closest ally in the Middle East, was invaded by an army of jihadists bent on annihilation and subjugation. The same forces attacked America on September 11. Standing with Israel came naturally and immediately for Americans. They understood that for this march of murder and tyranny to end, Israel must win this war,” he added.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant also congratulated the United States for celebrating 248 years of independence.

“The United States stood with Israel since our establishment, and stands with us today as we fight to defend our nation in a war for our future,” Gallant wrote in a post on 𝕏.

“Today we salute your leadership of the free world and echo your call for 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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