All Israel

Joel Rosenberg tells Janet Parshall, ‘We are facing an apocalyptic war’ and says God is ‘shaking Israel’

Rosenberg says Biden ‘trying to leverage Israel into giving up’

View of a large fire caused from rockets fired from Lebanon, in the northern Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona, June 3, 2024. (Photo: David Cohen/Flash90)

ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg recently appeared on Moody Radio's In the Market with Janet Parshall, to discuss Israel's effort to finish the war against Hamas in Gaza, the growing threat from Hezbollah in the north, and withering support from its primary ally, the United States. 

Parshall asked Rosenberg about his personal experience on Oct. 7. He described recognizing, after eight rounds of rockets fired toward Jerusalem, that something was different. 

“So, it was very painful and then you realize throughout the day, this is not the normal round. This is not just rockets. The reports started coming in: Absolute slaughter. And that started the darkest era in modern Israel.” 

But it isn’t just the terror attacks, Rosenberg said, Israel is getting attacked from multiple angles. 

“We’re getting attacked from every single side physically, in terms of missiles and terror attacks, but also in the media and in the international arena, in the world Court and the UN.”

What's more, Rosenberg said is that Israel’s most trusted ally has suddenly become unpredictable. 

“Biden is schizophrenic,” Rosenberg said. “One day he's with us, next day he's trying to cut off our arms supply. So it's a brutal environment right now.” 

Parshall brought up the immense political pressure being put on Israel internationally, with the International Criminal Court (ICC) trial on the charge of genocide and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) charges of war crimes against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. She also asked Rosenberg about the political environment now that Benny Gantz and his National Unity party have withdrawn from the emergency government. 

“Well, it's too bad in a lot of ways,” Rosenberg agreed. “Benny Gantz is our former defense minister. Thirty-six years in the IDF. He was the IDF chief of staff,” and noted that he is "the most popular political leader in Israel right now.” 

Click below to listen to the full show.

Despite previous political arguments and disagreements, the two opposing politicians agreed to work together in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks, however, "the relationship has completely unraveled between them,” he shared.

Rosenberg told Parshall that he likes and respects both Netanyahu and Gantzwhile adding: "But I've got to tell you, I don't think Gantz has made the right decision right now, because the situation in the north, Janet, is getting worse.” 

While Gantz withdrew from the emergency government over a dispute regarding how to manage Gaza after the war is over, Rosenberg said a larger problem is brewing on Israel’s northern border. 

“Hezbollah, the Iranian proxy there, which has 150,000 missiles aimed at us, they’re attacking us with more and more ferocity every single day,” he noted. “And we are about to shift from full operations in Gaza to a full-blown invasion of southern Lebanon. And if that happens, all hell could break loose." 

Rosenberg warned that the previous conflict with Hezbollah forces offered only a small taste of what the terror group is capable of now. 

“In 2006, Hezbollah fired 4,000 missiles at us in a month,” Rosenberg reported. “But they have 150,000 missiles now. So, if this war goes full-blown, Hezbollah could fire 4,000 missiles a day for a month and still have 30,000 missiles left over.” 

However, it is not just the larger number of projectiles that presents a problem, he noted. 

“These are much more powerful, much longer range, much more deadly. And they're precision guided so they can target our refineries, our hospitals, our schools, our churches, our mosques,” he warned. 

The greater number of missiles, along with greater accuracy, means Israel will need to have its defense systems fully prepared. But, according to Rosenberg, this is where the more concerning problem is. 

“We are facing an apocalyptic war, and we are burning through ammunition and missile interceptors at a very high rate. And Biden is not delivering, even on the money that Congress just authorized, and he signed, but he won't move the money in a rapid time because he's trying to leverage us into giving up. And this is just unconscionable.” 

Rosenberg noted that many Israelis feel abandoned by their closest ally. 

“You know, the Lord is good and he won't abandon us, but we're feeling pretty abandoned right now, depending on the day, by the United States government.” 

Parshall asked what Western believers should do when faced with such a depressing assessment of the problems facing Israel and the West, especially that of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

"That's a great question and a great analysis, Janet,” Rosenberg replied, before speaking about his visit with Hormoz Shariat, founder of Iran Alive Ministries, founded in 2000 with a vision to transform Iran into a Christian nation.

He spoke about what could bring together men from such diverse backgrounds.

“We're spending time together because Jesus Christ has completely upended our lives. He's totally saved us and our families,” he said. “The world is trying to figure out how to fix these problems, but they're using worldly wisdom. There's only one way to fix these problems, and it's that every Iranian and every Israeli, every Jew, gets transformed by Jesus, the king of the world.” 

Rosenberg also said that a prophetic focus helps give hope. 

“We're spending time together today, praying together, discussing because we know prophetically where we're headed,” he remarked. He shared that Jeremiah 49 describes how God will judge the leaders of Iran, “and then he's going to transform Iran into a Christian nation.” 

He shared his hope that God will “make Iran the greatest Christian missionary sending country on in the history of mankind with millions of Apostle Pauls... who start traveling all over the world to preach the gospel.” 

Rosenberg also referred to the biblical hope of the salvation of Israel, saying, “We’re heading towards a Romans 11:26 world where all Israel will get saved,” he said. “But we're a ways off from that right now.” 

First, he noted, “We’re in an Amos 9:9 world, where God says, I will shake the whole house of Israel.” 

While Rosenberg said he believes “Satan was responsible for October 7th and every day since to come and rob, kill and destroy,” he also said, “God is sovereignly letting it happen to humble us as Jews, as Israelis, and even with America beginning to waffle, that is telling us we have to turn to God and His Son and His word, or we don't have hope.” 

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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