The root cause of Jewish hatred

Why is it that some people think that exploring the root causes of certain matters will help facilitate the solution to the problem?
This was the recommendation of writer/activist, Manuela Rotstein who, in her article, entitled “Two Possible Scenarios,” closes out her piece by “urging the government to act with courage and wisdom: choose life, end the war and commit to comprehensive agreements that address the root causes of the conflict, paving the way for a just and sustainable peace.”
While ending the war is the hope and aspiration of every Israeli, we don’t need to explore the root causes of the conflict, because they are already well-known to most anyone who is able to provide an honest evaluation of why Israel has never been unable to live peaceably with her neighbors.
As American conservative radio talk show host and writer, Dennis Prager says, “It’s not due to the settlements that have been built, because prior to 1967, there were no Jewish settlements but we were still hated.”
The root cause is ancient, as old as the Garden of Eden and even prior to that. The scriptures record a rebellion, in heaven, which took place prior to creation when the angel, Hillel Ben Shachar, better known as Satan, coveted the place of Almighty God, intending to usurp His authority and ascend into the domain reserved only for Him. (Isaiah 14:13).
From that moment, when he was banished from the presence of God, Satan set out to destroy what was loved by the Creator, and that was mankind. Among all of His creation, however, this enemy had to pinpoint the focus of God’s affections, and that was the people He had specifically created for Himself, the Jews, and, by extension, their homeland. By employing evildoers, Satan could exact the fullest act of revenge, in an attempt to get even with the punishment, he suffered by trying to overthrow the Sovereign God.
That’s it in a nutshell, and since that time, there has been a concentrated effort to eradicate the people most loved by God. Destroy them, and you win! Sadly, man, absent a relationship with God, is easy prey for an enemy who is cleverly adept at deception, confusion and destruction. His is the goal of extinguishing God’s plans for worldwide redemption, whose path will come forth from Zion, per Isaiah 2:3.
So, there you have it. Wipe out the Jews, and the hope for all humanity is gone!
Regrettably, while the most comprehensive of peace plans can be drawn up, in an attempt to bring about lasting peace, the effort will always produce a futile attempt at a permanent solution, because without a turning to God, there will continue to be those who do the enemy’s bidding, in the hope of annihilating the chosen.
In this spiritual battle, between the forces of good and evil - darkness and light, there are no human resolutions to the hatred which has plagued the Jewish people since the time of Abraham, the first Jew. Since then, each generation has had to endure the same quest to rid the world of the people they saw as their avowed enemy.
Of course, in that constant battle, God, Himself has continually intervened, seeing to it that the Jews were spared while those seeking to kill them came to their own swift demise. It is the tangible evidence which attests to the presence of a power greater than all others, displaying the unmistakable proof of the very existence of God. Because if He didn’t exist, why would there be such a raging battle against this one group of people who are hated above all others?
Consequently, the solution to peace in the Middle East, an end to the exploitation of people, by their terrorist governments and a reconciliation between all mankind, can only be accomplished after peace is made between the creation and the Creator. Any other humanistic measures will fall woefully short of what must take place in the heart of each individual whose natural tendency and inclination is also to rebel.
That explains why the world’s best efforts of diplomacy, agencies established to protect and defend nations, human rights groups, set up to call out tyrannical leaders and governments, as well as other means to hold one another accountable, will never succeed in their efforts to suppress the evil which always rises to the surface, attempting to dominate others.
So, the question, posed on the sign, “How much more blood needs to be shed?” held by writer, Manuela Rotstein is one which is wholly dependent upon each person who still refuses to recognize their propensity to be their own god, believing that they have no need for the One who created them.
No amount of activism, or wishful thinking that, through our best intentions, we can create a better tomorrow if we will it, can replace the path which must be taken by each and every person who ever entered this world. That is the decided direction which leads to the awareness that we simply cannot attain peace, with our fellow man, on our own. It’s above our pay grade, and the sooner we come to that realization, the sooner we can achieve the goal of no more bloodshed.
Rotstein is not the first, nor will she be the last, to offer up humanistic solutions which outline an earthly formula of how to attain the tranquility and good will which has escaped us since the beginning of time, by those who hate us. These peacemakers will do their best to offer up the best diplomatic strategies, the widest compromises and the largest olive branch which has ever been extended, in this part of the world, but all will only bring about a limited peace at best and instant rejection at worst.
Israel has faced her greatest blow in the 76-year existence of her homeland. Isn’t it time that she stop trying to employ temporary fixes, recommended by flawed plans and weak appeasements which will never assuage the intense hatred that is felt by those who cringe just to hear the words, “Zionist” or “Jew?”
The time has come to abandon the search for the root causes of antisemitism and to face the ugly facts of who we are without our Maker! To that end, there is no time to waste as we’ve already wasted enough!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.