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Israeli citizen killed, 5 wounded by Hezbollah missile; IDF kills senior Hezbollah commander

IDF officers reportedly unhappy with lackluster response to Hezbollah aggression

Israeli security forces at the scene where a rocket fired from Lebanon into Northern Israel hit the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Shmona, May 10, 2024 (Photo: Ayal Margolin/Flash90).

The intense exchange of blows between the Lebanese terror organization Hezbollah and the Israeli army continued during Israel’s Independence Day, as the terror group killed a citizen and wounded five soldiers on Tuesday.

Hezbollah launched three anti-tank missiles at Kibbutz Adamit, claiming to have targeted an IDF base operating an observation balloon.

The individual, who hasn’t been identified yet, died while visiting the base to bring the soldiers food and donations for Independence Day, Israeli media reported.

After the first missile impact, the civilian rushed to the scene to help the injured, when the terrorists launched a second missile that killed him.

Twenty-four Israelis have now been killed by Hezbollah fire on the northern border since the beginning of the war, including six (or 25%) just during the last month.

A third missile damaged the tether of the observation balloon, causing it to float away and crash in Lebanese territory. The IDF stated there was no fear of information being leaked to terrorists.

The IDF said five soldiers were wounded in the incident, including one in moderate condition.

Earlier on Tuesday, 10 rockets fell in open areas near the Israeli Druze town of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights. Hezbollah launched several more missiles and rockets at the areas of Malkia and Avivim. No major damage or injuries were reported.

In response, the IDF eliminated a senior Hezbollah commander in a precision strike on his vehicle near the city of Tyre. This was in addition to its usual waves of airstrikes across southern Lebanon.

The Hezbollah terrorist was identified as Hussain Ibrahim Makki, a veteran field commander of Hezbollah’s Southern Lebanon Front, who was involved in the planning and execution of numerous plots against Israel.

Makki is one of the most senior Hezbollah commanders Israel has eliminated so far, according to Army Radio.

With his death, Hezbollah’s official death toll since the conflict reached 300, according to the terror group.

While only 24 terrorists were killed by Israel during the past month, Hezbollah has been increasing and intensifying its attacks on Israel in the same timeframe.

According to a report from Israel's Walla news on Monday, IDF reserve officers in the northern area have become frustrated and demand more aggressive action against Hezbollah.

The IDF also announced on Wednesday that two drones targeting Israel from the east were shot down overnight without crossing into Israel.

Shiite Iran-backed militias in Iraq took responsibility for the launch, claiming to have fired an Iranian Shahed-type drone at Eilat, Israel's southernmost city.

Over the last several months, Iranian proxy militias in Iraq and Syria claimed to have launched drones against Israel, with most either crashing or being shot down by the IDF before reaching targets in Israel.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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