Israel, the dam holding back the deluge of Islam

Amongst the many memes, which have circulated since the tragic events of Oct. 7, perhaps the one that most encapsulates this period of time is a rendering of Israel, portrayed as a dam with the whole of Europe on one side, and a deluge of floodwaters on the other, depicted as Islam. The not-so-subtle message is emphasized by the visible cracks in the dam (Israel) which show just how vulnerable it is as a protective barrier.

Herein is the very accurate picture of world events, of which so many are ignorant, as it concerns Islam’s goal of world domination. Busy with their daily lives and many pursuits, it’s more comfortable to believe it won’t reach them personally, and so its relevance is of no interest to them as long as the dam still holds up.
And that’s really the essence of this Israel/Hamas war. Since the fight has been concentrated in this one patch of real estate called the Middle East, the rest of the world hasn’t really felt the great threat of a religious ideology that is rooted in barbarism, oppression of women and minorities and the global jihad which is crouching at the door, ready to pounce on all humanity just as soon as Israel is out of the way.
But the warning signs have been clear and even picking up steam since 9/11. Although former president Barack Obama referred to ISIS as a “jayvee team,” they were able to successfully seize large swaths of territory in Iraq as well as inspire a new influx of jihadist devotees to join the fight for world domination.
When taking into consideration, “the meaning of the word Islam, which means “submission,” this is already a massive clue into the type of control which is demanded by its followers, dictating everything from lifestyle to dress, to treatment of women and slaves to jihad itself.” The Quran justifies the eradication of those who refuse to comply. Surah 9:5 says, “Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush.”
Yet, too many believe that this is only a fight which is confined to Israelis and Palestinians – a sort of land dispute that can only be resolved by giving each side a piece of the pie. It is this very scary lack of understanding and misconception, which diminishes the appreciation and even gratitude for the dirty work that has been relegated to Israel. Anyone who despises religious coercion, violence and terrorism, as well as loss of freedom and liberty, should look upon Israel as the one country which is totally committed to containing the fire that would rage uncontrollably if they weren’t fully engaged in putting it out.
It is this constant battle which is instrumental in facilitating the rest of the world to live in whatever manner they choose. Because if Hamas were to defeat Israel, the floodgates of Islam would have a field day throughout Europe, North America and virtually every country on the face of the earth. It would begin with the weakest of all – those whose armies are unprepared and less equipped - materially, strategically and ideologically. Once it would finish them off, they would come for the superpower, which has allowed its open borders to be an entrance gate for who knows how many jihadists disguised as migrants.
In fact, it was just Thursday that seven Hamas terrorists were arrested in Europe – three in Germany, three in Denmark, all part of a terror cell that had planned to “kill civilians on European soil” and one in the Netherlands – meaning that infiltration is not a possibility, it is a fact! The same is true for the U.S. If anyone thinks that Islamic terrorists have not already entered the U.S., then they are either self-deluded or deliberately and willfully committed to hiding the truth. In an article entitled, “How our Open Border Leaves Us More Vulnerable to Terrorism, the writer states, “The present-day war in Israel should be a wakeup call to Americans about how the open southern border has significantly increased our nation’s vulnerability to terror attacks.”
The article goes on to outline an alliance between foreign terror groups and Latin American regimes, both of whom have something to gain in their mutual cooperation. These global terror networks are said to be plotting attacks on innocent Americans who will not know what hit them.
On October 11, 2023, Chuck Devore, Vice-President of National Initiatives for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, wrote, “There are 32 miles of border separating Gaza from Israel. Since my first visit to that border in 1984, it’s been heavily fortified with walls, fences and surveillance systems backed up by soldiers and law enforcement. That system was overwhelmed in a matter of minutes in the early Sabbath hours of October 7 as thousands of Hamas terrorists breached the border barrier in some two dozen places, pouring out to massacre, behead, rape and capture hostages in an orgy of violence…America’s border with Mexico stretches 1,954 miles, about 61 times longer than Israel’s frontier with Gaza.”
Does anyone really believe that America will come out of an Islamic terror attack any better than Israel has – given the fact that we are used to fighting this kind of war, with a keener understanding of the enemy?
U.S. President Joe Biden recently said that “Israel is starting to lose global backing for the war.” Consequently, he has “called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to change the membership of his coalition which is largely opposed to the creation of a Palestinian State.”
Apparently, Biden doesn’t realize that Hamas doesn’t want a two-state solution, and a change in Israel’s governing coalition, as welcomed, as that would be by most of the Israeli population, will not solve the problem of our need to put a swift end to a terrorist government which is solely committed to a complete takeover of the Jewish homeland and then the rest of the world.
Be assured that if there are cracks in the dam, represented by Israel, they are not cracks from within. The Israeli people are deeply committed to the goal of the need to annihilate Hamas after witnessing first-hand what they are able to do to innocent civilians. To this end, they are willing to send their sons and daughters into a brutal war which we have been told we must fight in a way that puts their lives at risk all the more.
The cracks, sadly, represent the enormous ignorance of a misguided world that can’t see the forest through the trees. They are literally clueless when it comes to understanding Israel’s role as the mitigating force which is standing between a civilized society and the unleashing of hell on earth by barbaric terrorists, and that is why they have no idea what damage they are inflicting upon us and themselves by calling for a ceasefire when it is imperative that we continue to complete our mission.
Until they come to a realization that, if not for Israel, they would have to fight off these savages by themselves, a premature end will only result in the re-emergence of the enemy, once it gets back on its feet, to, this time, break through those protective floodgates and finally conquer the world.
But if that happens, and we are defeated, it will be too late for sudden revelations to take hold, because humanity will have effectively signed its own death warrant.

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.