All Israel

Israel security forces reportedly foiled over 200 “significant” terror attacks in 2023

Despite the encouraging statistics, Israel on Friday suffered two more deadly terrorist attacks

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar at a pre-Passover toast, Apr. 4, 2023. (Photo: Kobi Gideon/GPO)

The head of Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security agency, announced on Tuesday that Israeli security forces have so far prevented over 200 “significant” terror attacks during the first quarter of 2023. 

Shin Bet Director Ronen Bar, speaking alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, revealed that “only three months have passed, and this year more than 200 significant attacks have been thwarted, including about 150 shooting attacks, 20 bomb attacks, car rammings, kidnappings and others.”

The Shin Bet chief stressed that their elite anti-terror combat unit, which he described as “the last answer” to foil imminent acts of terror, had already been activated 14 times since the beginning of 2023. 

Despite the encouraging statistics, Israel on Friday suffered two more deadly terrorist attacks, which left three dead and several more injured.

On Friday night at 10 p.m. a terrorist drove along the popular Tel Aviv beach boardwalk and began shooting at people. He then attempted to run over pedestrians and targeted a group of Italian and British tourists near the promenade. A 36-year-old lawyer visiting Israel on vacation from Rome was killed and seven others were injured. The terrorist was identified as an Arab-Israeli resident with no prior security offenses, according to Israel Police.

Earlier on Friday, two British-Israeli sisters from the West Bank settlement of Efrat were murdered in a drive-by shooting in the Jordan Valley when the Palestinian gunman shot 22 bullets at their car. Their mother was critically wounded in the attack.

The attacks followed a series of rocket attacks from Gaza and Lebanon, which have been taking place during the Jewish holiday of Passover, a time when many Israelis and visitors from abroad are enjoying vacation time with family.

In light of the recent deadly violence, Netanyahu has made a call to mobilize additional military, police and security forces.

Israeli forces “will hit back at our enemies, and they will pay the price for every act of aggression,” the prime minister said at a Cabinet meeting on Thursday.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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