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ELNET report: Hamas operates deep-rooted network across Europe

A part of the ELNET report exposing a Hamas affiliated network in Europe (Photo: ELNET)

The European Leadership Network (ELNET) published a series of reports last week exposing the presence of Hamas-led organizations on European soil.

The reports, entitled “Hamas in Europe,” focus on some 30 organizations and individuals with ties to Hamas in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium.

“The findings are alarming,” wrote ELNET, a non-governmental organization working to strengthen relations between Europe and Israel. “Despite Hamas being designated as a terrorist organization by both individual European governments and the EU, the reports reveal that Hamas-affiliated groups continue to operate with relative freedom across Europe. These organizations often circumvent legal frameworks by operating without official registration or shutting down previously designated entities and transferring operations to newly formed groups.”

ELNET identified six individuals who allegedly serve as Hamas operatives in various European countries: Majed Al-Zeer (Germany), Mohammad Hannoun (Italy), Adel Doghman (Austria), Amin Abou Rashed (the Netherlands), Zaher Birawi (UK), and Mazen Kahel (France). Each is said to operate on behalf of Hamas within their respective nations.

These individuals were also involved in establishing front organizations for Hamas throughout Europe, including the Palestinians in Europe Conference (EPC), which hosts annual events featuring Hamas-affiliated speakers; the European Palestinian Council for Political Relations (EUPAC), created by individuals linked to Hamas and the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) in the UK; the Charity Association of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (ABSPP) in Italy; and VPNK in Germany.

In February, Belgian Minister of Justice Paul Van Tigchelt confirmed that the Hamas terror organization operates in Belgium.  

“So far, we know that Hamas is active in Belgium through various companies. The activities (...) focus on lobbying and fundraising,” the justice minister said.

Just last week, Majed al-Zeer was designated a terrorist by the U.S. Treasury Dept., which described him as a “senior Hamas representative in Germany, who is also one of the senior Hamas members in Europe and has played a central role in the terrorist group’s European fundraising.”

He also led the PRC in London and the EUPAC, according to the report.

Mohammad Hannoun, based in Italy was designated by the United States last week and has been recognized as a main Hamas operative by Israel since 2013. He leads the Hamas-affiliated ABSPP charity organization, which reportedly funnels money to Hamas’ military wing under the guise of humanitarian aid.

The reports also highlighted how the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is a significant part, uses "civil" fronts to promote its Islamist ideology and objectives. One of the Brotherhood's key strategies for spreading its radical views and attracting new members is through – Da'wah, the practice of preaching Islam – and providing seemingly innocuous community services.

Emmanuel Navon, CEO of ELNET, urged European governments to take action against the concerning Hamas presence.

“In light of these findings, ELNET urges European governments to take swift action by thoroughly investigating and shutting down these Hamas-affiliated organizations in order to prevent Hamas from further destabilizing both the Middle East and Europe,” Navon stated.

“Banks and financial institutions must closely monitor the activities of the individuals named in the reports and review their financial dealings to prevent further support for terrorist activities. ELNET further calls on research institutions and think tanks to help expose these activities to the public and ensure that Hamas’s fundraising networks in Europe are dismantled.”

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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