Connecting Black America with the Jewish state: Bishop of Church of God in Christ announces major new initiatives
Bishop Plummer speaks at the Israeli Government Press Office’s 5th annual Christian Media Summit

The Church of God in Christ, the largest Pentecostal church in the world, plans to launch several major initiatives in Israel in an effort to link Black America to the Jewish state through a media institute, study-abroad programs and to tackle the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement.
Bishop Glenn Plummer and Ruth Pauline Plummer, Ph.D. moved to Israel over a year ago.
Glenn Plummer will be speaking at the Israeli Government Press Office’s 5th annual Christian Media Summit this evening.
Glenn is a bishop of the Church of God in Christ, the largest Black church in the world with 6.5 million members in the U.S. alone and churches in 112 countries. Ruth is a media mogul, musician and recording artist, non-profit director, entrepreneur and author with a passion to mentor other women.
Here is a little bit more about what this dynamic couple are planning in their Holy Land endeavor:
Among these major initiatives include the establishment of a new World-Class Media Institute in Jerusalem. The Institute will target African American millennial adults in their 20’s and 30’s, who will come to Israel for a three-month Study Abroad program and learn new techniques and new technologies in electronic media, while experiencing the wonders of Israel.
“Most people who come to Israel come for a tour that typically lasts between 7-10 days, and by the time they leave Israel, their lives have been radically changed,” Bishop Plummer said. “They leave after one week, not only endeared to Israel but most of them become strong advocates for Israel. If that happens in 7 to 10 days for most people, think what will happen in 3 months! These young people will create documentaries, TV series, movies, television programs, podcasts, music, and social media content, putting ISRAEL in a much more positive light among the younger generation that’s being bombarded with the BDS movement and the ever-growing anti-Semitic rhetoric.”
The Media Institute will have five schools and two will be named in honor of Denzel Washington and Stevie Wonder respectively. Both men are members of Bishop Plummer’s denomination, the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), and have impacted modern culture worldwide with their respective acting and musical careers. One school will be named “The Denzel Washington School of Acting” and the other will be named “The Stevie Wonder School of Music.”
Bishop Plummer said, “We expect that both of these international icons will have a tremendous impact on the students that come to Israel from the USA, and by extension, the relationship between Israel and Black America.”
Bishop Plummer is also expected to announce an initiative he calls, “The Kings & Bishops.” It is slated to address the issue in South Africa where Israel is incorrectly referred to as “An Apartheid State.” Plummer said: “To call Israel an apartheid state is not only wrong and wholly inaccurate, but it feeds the misguided BDS movement with a completely false narrative. Is there racism in Israel? Unfortunately, yes. But Israel is nothing close to being an apartheid State and does not deserve this deceptive label. Therefore, I’ve convened meetings with bishops and kings in South Africa, all who agree with me that this false narrative must change.”
“At a time of global shifts and enormous changes, it’s time for this false accusation of ISRAEL to end and die! Accordingly, the Kings and Bishops have direct access to and influence over millions of South Africans, and with the help of God, we intend to change this,” he said.
Another Initiative Bishop Plummer is announcing, is “A two-way Bridge between Black America and Israel.”
“Bridges go both ways, not just one way. Israelis (in my opinion) in general do not have a good understanding of Black Americans and need to understand why they should. As everyone is committed to increasing tourism to Israel on a major scale, because of the devastating effect COVID has had on the tourism industry here, it’s important that Israelis also visit the United States and experience a ‘Tour of Black American History.’”
“Our colleagues recently took Ambassador Gilad Erdan on a Black History tour and the Ambassador says it changed his life. He has a new perspective and understanding of, and appreciation for Black America. It’s my desire to bring a more comprehensive relationship between the two groups. Hopefully this will help lay a new foundation between our two peoples.
At a time when the Abraham Accords have positively changed the relationship between traditional adversaries, Bishop Plummer believes the atmosphere is perfect to bring Black America into a strong alliance with Israel.
“We have been natural allies with Israel for decades…. but both people groups just haven’t fully realized it. Now’s the time to seal the connection!”
The Plummers live in Mevasseret Zion outside of Jerusalem. They have eight children and five grandchildren.
COGIC’s official title for the couple are Bishop of Israel and 1st Lady of Israel.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.