All Israel

Fire in Kissufim forest near Gaza Strip probably caused by first incendiary balloon attack since 2021

A wildfire in the Kissufim Forest near the Gaza Strip was ignited on Friday, likely caused by incendiary balloons from inside the Gaza Strip, according to a statement by Keren Kayemet LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF), which manages the site.

The fire burned 5 dunams (1.2 acres) of forest near Kibbutz Kissufim before firefighters were able to gain control. KKL-JNF called on the public to avoid the area.

In 2018, a period of continuous fire balloon attacks from Gaza began with a fire in the same forest and continued until September 2021, when the last fire was ignited by a balloon.

The wildfire comes amid a period of heightened tensions and daily riots along the border fence. During riots on Thursday, a Palestinian opened fire on Israeli forces, which returned fire and eliminated the attacker.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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