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Will there be more Hamas hostages?

Demonstrators protest for the release of Israelis held hostage in the Gaza Strip, outside Hakirya Base in Tel Aviv, July 7, 2024. (Photo: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Sunday, July 7 is not just another day. It is 275 days since the inhuman Hamas invasion and massacre in Israel, slaughtering 1200 and taking more than 250 hostages to Gaza. 120 are still in captivity in Gaza’s network of terror tunnels. Some may still be being held captive in the private homes of Hamas terrorist operatives, as were the four rescued in a bold IDF operation on June 8

Through forensic and other evidence, Israel has declared that a few dozen of the 120 hostages are already dead. But the actual number of hostages still alive is unknown because Hamas has never even presented a list of those who it holds in captivity, from one year old Kfir Bibas to hostages in their 70s and 80s. Not all the 120 hostages are Israeli, or Jewish, including Bedouin Israeli Arabs, and citizens of many other countries. 

With an all-out assault on Hamas, targeting the terrorists and their leaders, their military infrastructure, weapons, and weapons manufacturing abilities, along with the imperative to locate and rescue all the remaining hostages, many of whom are dead already, how is it possible that there might be more hostages? 

The answer is because July 7 is also nine months since the 250 people were kidnapped. 

Among the 120 hostages still in captivity, 12 are women. How many are alive is unknown, as it is unknown how many may in the last trimester of a pregnancy as a result of rape by their terrorist captors.

During the assault and massacre on October 7, numerous cases of rape, gang rape, and sexual mutilation took place and have been abundantly documented, many in sickening detail that underscores the deliberate and demonic attack. The confession of father and son terrorists to gang raping the same woman before the father killed her is just one of the disgusting displays of this

In addition to many of the 1,200 people massacred on October 7 being raped and sexually mutilated, including some murdered while they were being raped, there has also been wide testimony and documentation of the sexual assault of some of the women hostages. Among the videos released that were filmed and documented by the terrorists themselves, there are incidents of terrorists commenting, “Here are the girls who can get pregnant.” 

Despite the evidence that’s been documented ad nauseam, literally, there are many who deny these truths, resting on the purported Islamic principle that raping women is not allowed. It seems that terrorist sympathizers are prepared to deny the truth in defense of the terrorists, rather than admitting that what the terrorists did is not only inhuman but against Islam. 

Among the most recent and public of these is notorious Pink Floyd member, the unrepentant and delusional antisemite, Roger Waters. Far from being intelligent or an expert on anything other than Jew-hatred, Waters simply denies that such atrocities took place, lying that there is no evidence. 

While rape and sexual violence is not new, and often used in war and genocide, Hamas has followed the lead of its Islamic ideological twin, ISIS, whose misogynist ideology actually allows publishing rules for raping women. This has led many October 7 deniers to defend Islam in general, and Hamas’ atrocities in specific, saying that rapes could not happen and did not happen because it is against Islam. This is nothing more than a theological shell game. 

A recent Jerusalem Post article discussing the medical, ethical, and psychological consequences of hostages being raped by the terrorists, details of permissive ISIS's "rape laws" are highlighted are highlighted as well. These Islamic rape laws prohibit the rape of pregnant women, noting the ISIS Islamic imperative to prevent women captives who have “legitimately” been turned into sex slaves from becoming pregnant. One contradiction to impregnating female captives, per the inhuman Islamic ideology of ISIS and its ideological twin, Hamas, is that impregnating a woman “essentially converts her and her children to Islam, and she should be grateful for this throughout her life.”

More than a theory from which the likes of Roger Waters and other October 7 deniers can claim no evidence, there are official ISIS leaflets which overtly state that an Islamic fighter (terrorist) can rape a woman he enslaves almost under any condition, even if she is a child, but must ensure she is not pregnant. This explains some of the testimonies of Israeli hostages who have been released or rescued, with former hostages noting their terrorist captors’ interest in their menstrual cycles. According to the JPost article, some survivors reported receiving birth control pills or morning-after pills while in captivity.

How many of the hostages are alive is unknown, as is how many of those are women. Based on the testimonies of women who have been released or rescued, sexual assault in captivity is not a possibility but a reality. 

Now, nine months later, the question is how many of these women are days or hours away from giving birth to babies conceived in captivity by their demonic captors? How many may have given birth early because of the subhuman conditions, lack of pre-natal care, and basic nutrition that they have been subject to? 

Are there new hostages who have been born already, or to be born, in Gazan captivity? Will their Islamic captors take away living babies to raise them as Moslems and/or deny that any babies were ever born to the hostages? Will Hamas realize that the birth of babies to women who have been in captivity will not play well in the media and, if discovered, will be bad PR for the Iranian backed Islamic “resistance?” 

Will we ever know for sure how many of the women were raped and impregnated by the terrorists? Will Hamas make them, and their babies disappear? Will they have any hesitation to murder, dismember, or even incinerate the human evidence, or witnesses to, the pregnant women and newborn babies to cover up their crimes that they gleefully filmed and published nine months ago? 

It’s too sick a reality to imagine, much less conversations that must be had. Please join the Genesis 123 Foundation by signing the petition to compel world bodies to pressure Hamas to release ALL the hostages today. 

Jonathan Feldstein was born and educated in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel in 2004. He is married and the father of six. Throughout his life and career, he has become a respected bridge between Jews and Christians and serves as president of the Genesis 123 Foundation. He writes regularly on major Christian websites about Israel and shares experiences of living as an Orthodox Jew in Israel. He is host of the popular Inspiration from Zion podcast. He can be reached at [email protected].

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