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Why no one wants Gazans

View of the destruction near Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip following Israeli military operations, January 23, 2025. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

You’d think that with all the tears shed, by the nations of the world, over the plight of Gazans, that someone, among them, would be anxious to take them in and give them a home. But, the surprising reality is that no one wants them. Why is that?

While it’s tempting to believe the convenient excuse, that facilitating a temporary home for Gazans might result in their never being permitted to return to the place where they have lived for decades, the claim is not relevant, because, at the moment, Gazans have no homes in which to return. U.S. President Donald Trump, who initially suggested that Jordan and Egypt take in the 2 million homeless population, did so, because, as he said, “Gaza is literally a demolition site right now.”

Prior to any rebuilding efforts, a massive cleanup must get underway – one which cannot be done if people remain in the area. It’s already been estimated that it will take up to 15 years to rebuild Gaza to the point of being, once again, habitable. But while all this represents the practical side of why no one can live in Gaza at this time, there is also the ideological side, and no one articulates it better than the Gatestone Institute of International Policy.

In his article, entitled, “Why Jordan Doesn’t Want More Palestinians, writer Khaled Abu Toameh offers the following explanations:

  • By mistreating the Palestinians and depriving them of their basic rights, Jordan and other Arab countries are driving them into the open arm of extremists. Jordan, Lebanon and Syria can continue their practices against Palestinians without having to worry about the responses of the international community or media…  No one is going to condemn Arabs for mistreating Arabs. A story is big only when it is Israel that arrests, kills or deports.

  • If Jordan allows more Palestinians into the country which already has a Palestinian majority, it would be transformed into a Palestinian State.  King Abdullah prefers radicalized Palestinians outside the kingdom than inside of it since they are a demographic threat.  

  • If they aid the Palestinians and provide them with shelter and passports, this would serve Israeli interests. 

In short, Toameh recognizes the existence of human rights abuses, calling them out, while also acknowledging the world’s hypocrisy as they allow it to happen and fail to condemn the indifference of Arab nations to right the wrong. Knowing that receiving more Palestinians could threaten the Hashemite kingdom, they cleverly use Israel as the convenient excuse, in an effort to appear to preserve their land rights. But, in reality, it’s a dishonest claim which only serves to protect Jordanians. 

Similarly, Egypt views a massive influx of Gazans as a destabilizing factor to their country. Another fear is that President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi would be perceived as someone who is helping put distance between Israel and the terrorists who have a better vantage point to perpetrate another massacre, since they share our border. El-Sisi knows that he cannot afford to be seen as a traitor to “the resistance.”

The real truth is that both Egypt and Jordan know the true capability of these people and have a justified fear as to what could result from opening their doors to a population which has continually voted for a government run by hardened Hamas terrorists who have successfully indoctrinated the next generation to abandon all thoughts of family, career and a good life in favor of becoming a shahid (martyr) before the age of 30.  

The radicalization of these young people, coupled with the willingness and cooperation of their parents, have turned them into a dreaded liability, which no nation is willing to take on, given their own difficulties with the extreme elements who already live among them. In short, they already have their hands full, making sure that their home-grown radicals are contained.

It was the events of October 7th which actually boosted the popularity of the radical Muslim Brotherhood group in Jordan. Able to leverage the ongoing war, their Islamic Action Front (IAF), a pro Hamas group, won 31 of the 138 seats, within the Jordanian parliament, in the last election that was held in September, 2024.  

By exploiting the enormous 21.4% unemployment rate which already accounted for a deep malaise in Jordan, the Muslim Brotherhood then cynically capitalized on the suffering of Gazans who became displaced, in an attempt to create a “brotherhood of suffering” which would manipulate Jordanians to elect those who claimed that they were “the only ones who truly cared for the forgotten people” promising to be their strong advocate. It worked!

The problem is that the alleviation of suffering, although promised, never comes.  The age-old lust for power is all that is ever really sought, and the need to use others to achieve their goal is the collateral damage of realizing the dream. Sadly, Gazans have allowed themselves to be used, and until they wake up, they will continue to be their worst enemy. 

Of course, that they are not exactly the type of citizens who would enhance any country. When their loyalties can be bought so easily by terrorists, who see them as dispensable props, that they’d jeopardize their own livelihoods by selling out their faithful Israeli employers, then you realize that this is a people devoid of sentiment, integrity or morality. This was evidenced by their glee over the tragedy of October 7th, as they celebrated a barbaric massacre which they helped facilitate. So, is it any wonder why their own kinsmen refuse to take them in?

Now that Trump has offered to control the Gaza Strip, it’s very likely that he will strongarm Jordan and Egypt into providing a temporary refuge for these people, but that doesn’t come without its risks, because the potential for the aligning of groups that prefer the tactics of terrorism to that of a conventional government could easily be the undoing of either or both of these countries.

Consequently, it will call for more than an American involvement in the Gaza Strip. Constant monitoring of the balance of power, within these two countries, will be demanded if a coup is to be avoided by nefarious actors who see this as their opportunity to seize control.

Gazans have no one to blame if they are persona non grata to the nations of the world, who claim to lament their sad state, but everyone knows that tears from a distance usually lack the absence of real authenticity!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.

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