What is the role of the nation of Israel today from a biblical perspective?

While that question could be answered from a geopolitical perspective, highlighting Israel as the only free democracy in the Middle East, and its importance for security in the region and the whole world, here are some thoughts from a Biblical perspective. The current nation's role is to uphold the Jewish people's right to return to their ancestral homeland, which is consistent with Scripture. It will also be the physical place where Jesus will return to establish the Millennial Kingdom. The Millenial Kingdom is the phrase used to describe the 1000-year reign of Christ from Jerusalem, as mentioned in Rev 20:1-6. Many of the prophecies made by the Hebrew prophets will come to pass during that period.
As it was in his own day, Jerusalem may not be recognizable as a place where everyone wants to honor Christ today. Nevertheless, it is the location He returns to and is recognized by the Jewish religious leaders (Luke 13:35). Of the remaining prophecies yet to be fulfilled by Christ, all of them are integrally related to the land of Israel.
Three of the most significant examples are Isaiah 2 (repeated in Micah 4, Joel 3:10, Hosea 2:18), Isaiah 11, and Zechariah 14. In these passages, God is reigning through the Messiah.
Here are some summary features of each to take notice of:
Isaiah 2:1-4
Jerusalem is preeminent and world-renowned (v.1-2)
All nations flowing to it and wanting to be ruled by its King (vv.2-3)
The Law and His word are ruling from Jerusalem (v. 3)
He settles disputes between the nations and ushers in a lasting rule of peace between them (v.4)
Abolishes the need for warfare (v.4)
Isaiah 11
Description of the Messiah (vv.1-5)
Complete peace and safety in Jerusalem between all living things (vv.1-9a)
The Lord’s reign extends all over the earth (v.9b)
The nations come to seek the Messiah in Jerusalem (v.10)
The Lord will regather the remnant of Israelites back to Israel (vv.11-13)
The united tribes of Israel will defeat the nations who attack her (v.13-14)
Obstacles preventing the regathering of the remnant will be removed and people restored (vv.15-16)
Zechariah 14
All nations come against Jerusalem for battle (v.2)
The Lord fights against them (v.3)
The Lord stands on the Mount of Olives (v.4)
Unique day: no day or night, light in the evening (v.6)
The Lord is King over all the earth (v.9)
Jerusalem will never be attacked again (v.11)
Plagues against those who try and attack Jerusalem (v.12)
Worship in Jerusalem will be required for the nations at that time (vv.16-18)
In view of these future realities, prayer for Jerusalem's peace and restoration are two goals that the church can support in good faith, despite the fact that only the Messiah can bring them about in their finality. In the same way that it was significant to Jesus, Paul, and the earliest disciples, it ought to be significant to all Christians. Whereas eternal salvation can only be found in the name of Jesus the Messiah, Jerusalem is part of God's covenant with Israel and will be the eternal inheritance of the saints.

Dr. Bryan Moselle received his PhD in Hebrew Bible from the University of Pretoria, ThM in Hebrew Bible and Semitics from Biola University. He is the senior pastor of University Bible Church in Los Angeles, California, a military chaplain, and previously worked in international disaster relief throughout Africa.