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The likely cause of dwindling sympathies for Israel

Demonstrators take part in an "Emergency Rally: Stand with Palestinians Under Siege in Gaza," amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S., October 14, 2023. (Photo: REUTERS/Brian Snyder)

It’s hard to make the case that Israel is hated by so many, throughout the world, because it lacks better public relations to present itself in a more favorable light. 

Pro-Israel articles, clips, podcasts, influencers and articulate spokespeople abound everywhere – from the very prominent, such as Douglas Murray, Eylon Levy, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Pete Hegseth, top evangelicals, all the way to, perhaps, the lesser known, including such publications as All Israel News.

For anyone who is able to search the Internet, there is no shortage of positive representation on behalf of the Jewish state.  So, if it’s not a dearth of supportive messaging, then what is responsible for the shocking downward trend as it relates to those who are sympathetic towards Israel?

A recent Jerusalem Post article tracks this spiraling movement from 2001 to the present date, and the statistics are simply mind-blowing. According to a Gallup poll, in 2001, there was 51% of American sympathy towards Israel and only 16% pro-Palestinian. Fast forward to today where there is now 46% sympathy towards Israel and a growing 33% towards Palestinians.  If that trend continues, it’s easy to see how, in just a couple of years, it will be an even amount for both.

In order to understand how these numbers shrank or grew, you’d have to consider the major societal differences which have taken place over the last 24 years. None has been greater or more influencing than the emergence of Woke philosophy, a phenomenon which has majorly affected social norms, sensitivities, viewpoints and behaviors.

Reducing all of humanity into the victim/oppressor category, it has spilled over into one’s racial makeup, the need to change and soften our everyday language so as not to offend anyone, the demand to be inclusive of others who exhibit deviate behavior, treating it as equally acceptable, the high importance of creating equitable situations for all, despite the impossibility of everyone being endowed identically and so much more.

Woke philosophy has driven our political outlook as well, determining which nations are seen as worthy and which are depicted as bullies. The criteria that govern those outcomes, are largely based on the success and strength displayed by a country. Consequently, those which possess a formidable army, advanced technology, self-reliance and the will to succeed are viewed as the tyrants who oppress others.

Sadly, both America and Israel fall into that despised category, seen as the strongmen whose authoritarian regimes are the greatest threat to the utopia promised by total deference to Woke doctrine. This is what has been responsible for the immense divide we are now seeing in American politics which seems more polarized than any of us can ever remember in our lifetime.

If you don’t believe it, that same Gallup poll which tracked Israeli sympathies vs. Palestinian ones reported that, today, the sympathies of American Republicans total a whopping 83% for Israel, while Democrats only make up 33%. Independents are 42% for Israel and 34% are towards Palestinians.  

Did something radically change in Israel to cause only one U.S. political party to admire our country at the same time that liberals dropped their support for the Jewish homeland? The only significant development was the massacre of October 7th, responsible for catapulting Hamas terrorists to a protected and even revered status, something which no one could have predicted, mostly due to the absurdity of thinking that anyone would side with cold-blooded murderers and rapists.

Suddenly, those unspeakable heinous crimes became justified and excused by the progressively Woke contingency who have come to the conclusion that those labeled the oppressors are deserving of whatever comes their way in order to attain what is the rightful inheritance of the oppressed.

With help from friends in high places, such as the International Criminal Court at the Hague, the U.N. Security Council or world leaders who, until now, were unable to roundly condemn Israel for fear of being called antisemitic, they have been able to legitimize their hatred in a much more palatable way, especially if such condemnation is now accepted, by calling our military the perpetrators of war crimes.

You see, the enemies of Woke philosophy are self-defense, exposing the truth via video footage, personal testimony or honest reporting, all of which provide needed content, historical background and proper perspective after careful examination of the facts. Contrary to those crucial evidences, Woke philosophy relies upon hearsay, uncorroborated facts, gross exaggeration, outright lies and the mob mentality, which is so vital to the public lynching of a country’s reputation.

It is the stuff of dishonesty, meant to change hearts and minds based upon character assassination. After being implanted into people, who fail to think for themselves or utilize their own due diligence, it is then further nurtured by a biased media, intent upon feeding the upheaval brought on by ignorance and laziness. After all, why not go with the flow which doesn’t require any personal investigation or questioning of a narrative that plays into our basest primal instincts.

It is this insidious philosophy which has bitterly divided humanity and one which, if left unchecked, will destroy our modern civilization, because it is dependent upon a vicious rivalry where nothing is off limits when it comes to destroying each other.

Israel is the recipient of this destructive and toxic creed, because, while we are not perfect, we do strive to hold ourselves to high moral standards, based on the Ten Commandments and the code of ethics which come from our scriptures, urging us to love our fellow man as ourselves. These are the values which have spurred us on to render assistance to so many populations in their time of need.  It is what compels us to create and invent innovative solutions to better mankind.

In essence, it is being a light to the nations, which we were called to be by God Almighty. Because those attributes preserve and extend life, as well as unite people from every race, religion and societal status, it is antithetical to the destructive agenda that relies upon friction, discord and enmity, all designed to pit one against the other. 

As crazy as it sounds, there are those who thrive on such chaos, and, sadly, their numbers are growing. The dwindling sympathies for Israel can only be reversed if individuals seek the truth, based on receiving accurate information which they have personally sought. Short of that, Israel will continue to be viewed as the world’s enemy while terrorists are deemed to be the new saviors. 

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.

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