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As world rages against Jewish state, Israeli columnist Caroline Glick has been deeply moved by outpouring of unconditional Christian love for Israel, she tells ALL ISRAEL NEWS

Evangelicals’ love for Israel ‘takes away the burden of loneliness,’ she says

Portrait of Caroline Glick, when she was a member of the New Right political party, in Jerusalem, on March 11, 2019. (Photo by Hadas Parush/Flash90)

WASHINGTON, DC — Rarely in the post-World War II era have American and Israeli Jews felt so alone. 

Since October 7th, Israel has been continually attacked by terrorists and terror states from seven different directions – from Gaza, from Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and from Iran itself.

Yet rather than creating a massive outpouring of international sympathy, Israelis find themselves being constantly and viciously attacked as agents of “genocide.” 

It’s happening in the so-called “mainstream media.” 

It’s also happening on social media platforms, at the United Nations, at the International Criminal Court, on college campuses, and from so many other directions. 

With antisemitic attacks exploding all over the world, Jews feel less safe today than at any other time since the end of the Holocaust and the creation of the Jewish State of Israel.

And yet, in spite of all this, Israel and the international Jewish community are not completely alone.


Because tens of millions of Evangelical Christians are openly, courageously, and consistently expressing their unconditional love, affection, and support. 

That’s the conclusion that Israeli-American columnist Caroline Glick has drawn, and it’s having an emotional effect on her, she tells ALL ISRAEL NEWS. 

Caroline and I have known each other for many years. We saw each other again last Wednesday during a strategy meeting of dozens of Evangelical leaders who had come together to discuss how to dramatically amplify their voice and policy impact on behalf of Israel and against antisemitism.

Deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post Caroline Glick speaks at a conference organized by Jerusalem Post, in New York City, USA. April 29, 2012. (Photo by Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)

Caroline was invited to share her thoughts on how Evangelical leaders can be more effective in their advocacy for the Jewish state and people.

But she began by humbly and somewhat vulnerably expressing to the group how deeply touched she has been by personally experiencing and observing such overwhelming Christian love for – and solidarity with – Israel in a time of such global hatred and cruelty against her people.

After the strategy session concluded, former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann asked Glick if it would be okay for the group to pray for her and for the Israeli people. 

When she agreed, Bachmann led a beautiful and heartfelt prayer.

Then Bachmann gave her Jewish friend a long hug. 

It was a touching moment of genuine friendship and personal encouragement, and when it was over I asked Glick if she would like to share some of her thoughts on the record for ALL ISRAEL NEWS readers. 

The following is a transcript of our conversation, lightly edited for clarity. 

Photo courtesy of Caroline Glick

ROSENBERG: Great to see you again, Caroline. What did you see today? Why is it important for Christians to come together and try to figure out how to create a more laser-like focus and to dramatically amplify their voice on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people?

CAROLINE GLICK: I think it's extraordinary to see that – in polls every single month, tracking polls by the Harvard Harris Institute – that 80% of Americans support Israel unconditionally. I mean, you look at the questions and it’s clear that Americans want Israel to win in this war. And I think this is a moment of truth. We are poised for a major confrontation in Lebanon. 

ROSENBERG: Which could be far worse than what we've just been through over the last 11 months.

GLICK: It will be quite difficult. And, we have to fight it with our hands free, not with them tied behind our backs, in order to secure our continued survival. And so, you know, it's amazing to see this readiness on the part of so many extraordinary Christian American leaders to stand up and make sure that the people of Israel know that they and their communities — who represent millions and millions of Americans — stand with us. And so I think from that perspective alone, it's extraordinary. This event that we've been participating in this morning, I feel very privileged to have been here.

ROSENBERG: You started by sharing even some degree of emotion regarding unconditional Christian love and support for Israel. How would you describe that?

GLICK: One of the things that's been so shocking is that not only were Jews assaulted with atrocities, the likes of which we never imagined could happen on Israeli soil on October 7. But then, afterwards, we continued to be attacked by so many nations in the world who have been blaming us for our own suffering and for the atrocities that were perpetrated against us by the Palestinians that day. The double assault that Israel has been subjected to has really been astounding.

And so, having Christian Americans standing up and showing that those [hostile] voices, while they're loud, they do not represent so many Americans – and having so many Bible-believing Christians make it clear that that’s not their message, that they have a different message, a very pro-Israel message – to me, it is emotional.

You know, when you're constantly being assaulted by that level of hatred from so many different quarters simultaneously, and then you have, you know, pastors who represent millions of Americans saying, ‘No, that's not us. We stand with Israel. We stand with the Jewish people,’ it’s emotional. I mean, it takes away the burden of loneliness.

No matter what, obviously, we're going to continue to fight. My community lost a son yesterday. We've lost so many of our greatest sons and the mourning is continuous. And we'll keep doing it because the survival of the Jewish people is on the line. The survival of our country is. But it's amazing to see that we aren't standing alone. We knew it intellectually, but I got to experience it here at this conference. So, for me it was emotional.

ROSENBERG: Last question, and I appreciate your time. I think that the shock of the 7th of October was so much worse because of October 6th and before it had come all the Arab-Israeli peace normalization agreements. The Saudi-Israel peace agreement seemed inbound. So, the sense that we had as Israelis, as Jews, was that things were shifting in our favor. We knew there were enemies out there. But we didn't expect them coming on the morning of the seventh. We really thought things were getting better. 

So, what would be your counsel to these Christian leaders as they figure out their exact game plan going forward? What are the two or three top issues that you think ought to be part of their messaging going forward?

GLICK: You know, over 90 members out of 120 in The Knesset recently signed the resolution – which almost never happens in Israel – saying, “We are opposed to Palestinian statehood. We don't accept anybody trying to force us to accept a Palestinian state.” And that was really a remarkable statement of unanimity of purpose in a country that can't really agree about anything. 

And yet, the principal goal of the nations of the world is to force this Palestinian state on us, including the United States government.

And so, you know, I think that given the depth of the opposition inside Israel to the creation of a terrorist state that would be the undoing of Israel, that’s an important message for Christian leaders to communicate. 

After what we saw on October 7th, I believe there will be many Christian leaders saying, “No, we don't stand for [the creation of a Palestinian state]. We oppose that. We support Israeli sovereignty, and that Israel will remain the sole sovereign state west of the Jordan River.”

I think that that's extremely important. I think it's extremely important to stand up against the criminalization of Israel at the International Court of Justice. They are trying to transform Israel into Hamas and Hamas into Israel and Christians must say, “We will not accept this upside-down world that you're trying to present to us. We live in reality, and we know the justness of the Jewish state, and we stand with it, and will not accept any effort to criminalize the Jews, the Jewish state, the leaders of the Jewish state, or the soldiers and officers of the army of Israel.”

ROSENBERG: You made a very powerful statement this morning. You said, “The world is trying to force Israel to commit suicide by forcing us to accept a Palestinian state.”

GLICK: We will not go gently into that dark night. We will not. Israel is still standing. We understand that the cost that we've already paid is enormous. But we understand that going forward, we must do whatever it takes in order to protect, defend, and secure the future of our nation and of our country.

ROSENBERG: Well, Christians are with us, fortunately. I'm one of them, an Israeli and a Christian. And I really appreciate, Caroline, your voice. I'm glad you were encouraged by this meeting. 

GLICK: So encouraged.

ROSENBERG: We're not alone after all.

After serving for many years as a columnist for the Jerusalem Post, Caroline Glick is currently a senior contributing editor for the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) and host of the “Caroline Glick Show,” a podcast on JNS. She is also a diplomatic commentator for Israel’s Channel 14, and a columnist for Newsweek. She often appears on the BBC, Sky News Britain and Sky News Australia, and India's WION News Network to defend Israel, as well as appearing on nationally syndicated and major market radio shows and podcasts across the English-speaking world.

Joel C. Rosenberg is the editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.

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