ARISE Digital Summit to be broadcast live on Thursday, connecting Christian businesspeople from around the globe with Israeli entrepreneurs
The annual ARISE conference will feature leading business people and rabbis to discuss how Jewish thought and biblical principles relate to business

The theme of the 2022 ARISE Digital Summit is Ancient Wisdom for Success in Business and will feature some of the leading rabbinic voices and Israeli businessmen to discuss Hebrew thought and Jewish practices as a force that drives their success in business.
Speakers include former Israeli lawmaker Rabbi Yehuda Glick, OurCrowd CEO Jonathan Medved and Rabbi Daniel Lapin.
Calev Myers, ARISE founder, said the theme was chosen based on a survey they took of past participants who want to hear about Hebrew principles and Jewish thought for success in business.
“The reason that the economy of Israel and also Jewish communities in places around the world are sometimes disproportionately successful in business isn’t because Jewish people have higher IQs on average than other people around the world,” Myers said. “It’s because the Jewish people have been implementing principles of Hebrew thought, Jewish wisdom taken mostly from the Torah and ancient writings and implementing them in their lives in a way that causes them to succeed in business.”
ARISE was founded three years ago with the goal of connecting businesspeople from around the world – the majority of whom are Evangelical Christians – to the Israeli marketplace. The summit is designed to match make CEOs, entrepreneurs and investors from around the world with business opportunities in Israel.
According to the ARISE website, the summit has connected more than 2,000 businessmen and women and entrepreneurs from 53 nations.
ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg gave the keynote address at the economic summit in 2020 and again in 2021.
“I encourage you to be praying, but also to continue to engage with the ARISE summit to look for business opportunities and investment opportunities. Not only in Israel, but also between Israel and the Arab world,” Rosenberg is quoted saying on the summit’s website.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.