Jon Simmons


Jon is a content creator and freelance writer, and a passionate supporter of Israeli smaller businesses and global and Israeli business. Jon has co-lead many trips from the UK to Israel and the West Bank.

Through his Open Invest Youtube Channel, he covers Israel as the innovation nation and empowers Non Israeli’s on an investment journey to consider purchasing Israeli Stocks and Real Estate.

Author of the Partnering for Palestinian Prosperity series, where he highlights some of the amazing projects happening in the West Bank.

Jon advocates trade over aid, and economic inclusion of the entrepreneurs in the Palestinian territories that support the region to be spiritually and economically prosperous.

Creator of the Israel Stock Tracker Sheet, a fully updated easy to use tool that allows supporters of Israel around the world to track the price of all the Israeli founded companies that are available to purchase as stocks.

Also author of the Israel Stock List ebook.

Jon invites supporters of Israel to join his free Invest in Israel Newsletter

Contactable via LinkedIn