WATCH VIDEO #5: New prophecy video asks, ‘How will Israel survive the prophetic War of Gog & Magog in the last days of human history?’
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – Today, I’m very pleased to announce that ALL ISRAEL NEWS is releasing the fifth in an ongoing series of videos that explain Bible prophecy.
This one examines how the prophetic, apocalyptic war that will be launched against Israel in the “last days” of human history – an eschatological war generally referred to by Bible scholars as the “War of Gog & Magog” – will actually play out.
Using animation and other fun visual tools, we take a careful look at Ezekiel chapter 39, which was written by the ancient Hebrew prophet more than 2,500 years ago.
What exactly did God tell him about the magnitude of the war to come?
Who, if anyone, will come to Israel’s rescue when multiple countries surround and attack the Jewish state with the full fury of their armed forces?
And what role does God Himself play in these terrifying events, none of which have yet come to pass since they were written?
I hope you will not only watch – and re-watch – this video to truly understand what’s coming and why.
I also hope you will share the video on social media with family and friends and encourage them to watch and study it carefully.
Pastors, Sunday school teachers and youth group leaders, I hope you will find this video helpful and show it to your congregation, as well as the other videos we have been producing and releasing all this year.
As 2023 began, ALL ISRAEL NEWS decided to create a new division called “The Bible Prophecy Project.”
The goal was to create highly-creative, engaging, and easy-to-understand educational videos to help Christians rediscover the purpose and power of Bible prophecy, and to help people who are not Christians to discover Bible prophecy for the very first time.
We released the first video on Feb. 3 of this year.
Running around 10 minutes long, it focused on the fact that 27% of the Bible is prophecy and explained why the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful God of the universe wants to tell us certain vital events that are going to happen in the future.
We also explained why so many pastors and ministry leaders have stopped teaching Bible prophecy but why that’s so dangerous.
On March 1, we released our second video.
Also running about 10 minutes, this one illustrated how Ezekiel’s prophecies – in chapters 36 and 37 of the biblical Book of Ezekiel – pointed to Israel’s miraculous resurrection in 1948 after 2,000 years of exile.
In this 75th anniversary year of the rebirth of Israel, this is a vitally important story for all Jews, Christians, and others to understand and share.
Then, on May 12, we released our third video, which runs around 18 minutes.
Known by Bible scholars as the coming “War of Gog and Magog,” this eschatological or End Times war has never come to pass.
It is still ahead of us, which is the reason we took a careful look at why God says a terrible attack is coming to devour and wipe out Israel in the last days.
It is also a very detailed prophecy, which is why this video is nearly twice as long as the first two.
On June 26, we released our fourth video.
This one continued to explore the coming “War of Gog and Magog” and whether Russia and Iran are to be involved in any way, shape, or form.
Specifically, we studied the ancient names of the nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and 39 and did some historical detective work to understand what modern countries these names refer to and why they are going to participate in this apocalyptic war against Israel.
Given the complexity of these issues, this video runs longer still – about 24 minutes.
Again, this fifth video brings our study of Ezekiel 38 and 39 to a conclusion, walking viewers through the divine judgment and catastrophic destruction that will come to Israel’s enemies in the “last days.”
I hope you find each video helpful and that it mobilizes you to pray, not only for Israel but also for Israel’s neighbors and enemies.
Please be sure to send us your comments and questions so we can serve you better.
The following is the full text.
Will America soon abandon Israel and the Jewish people?
Will the entire world – including all of her most trusted allies – abandon Israel in her moment of greatest need?

The Bible tells us in Ezekiel 38 and 39 that an apocalyptic war is coming – the War of Gog and Magog – in which Russia and Iran and a group of other countries will form an alliance and surround and attack Israel in the “last days” of history.
But when that happens – especially if it happens soon – can’t America and the rest of Israel’s allies be counted on to protect and defend her from a Second Holocaust?
In the last few videos, we’ve been carefully studying Ezekiel 38 and 39 from multiple angles – who the key players are, what they want to achieve, how they plan to get what they want and when all this will happen.
In this video, let’s look at exactly how the War of Gog and Magog plays out.
The good news is that we don’t have to guess.
The God of Israel revealed His plans to the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel more than 2,500 years ago – and, believe me, He gave us a lot of details.
Let’s begin by looking at Ezekiel 38, verses 17 through 23.
17 ‘Thus says the Lord God, “Are you the one of whom I spoke in former days through My servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in those days for many years that I would bring you against them? 18 It will come about on that day, when Gog comes against the land of Israel,” declares the Lord God, “that My fury will mount up in My anger. 19 In My zeal and in My blazing wrath I declare that on that day there will surely be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. 20 The fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens, the beasts of the field, all the creeping things that creep on the earth, and all the men who are on the face of the earth will shake at My presence; the mountains also will be thrown down, the steep pathways will collapse and every wall will fall to the ground. 21 I will call for a sword against him on all My mountains,” declares the Lord God. “Every man’s sword will be against his brother. 22 With pestilence and with blood I will enter into judgment with him; and I will rain on him and on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, a torrential rain, with hailstones, fire and brimstone. 23 I will magnify Myself, sanctify Myself, and make Myself known in the sight of many nations; and they will know that I am the Lord.”’

We get even more specific and graphic details in Ezekiel 39:1-6.
“And you, son of man, prophesy against Gog and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal; 2 and I will turn you around, drive you on, take you up from the remotest parts of the north and bring you against the mountains of Israel. 3 I will strike your bow from your left hand and dash down your arrows from your right hand. 4 You will fall on the mountains of Israel, you and all your troops and the peoples who are with you; I will give you as food to every kind of predatory bird and beast of the field. 5 You will fall on the open field; for it is I who have spoken,” declares the Lord God. 6 “And I will send fire upon Magog and those who inhabit the coastlands in safety; and they will know that I am the Lord.”
Clearly, this apocalyptic, End Times war will be cataclysmic.
In fact, Israel’s enemies will be so devastated – so utterly destroyed – that Israel will be able to use the weapons they gather as fuel for seven full years.
Consider Ezekiel 39, verses 9 and 10.
9 “Then those who inhabit the cities of Israel will go out and make fires with the weapons and burn them, both shields and bucklers, bows and arrows, war clubs and spears, and for seven years they will make fires of them. 10 They will not take wood from the field or gather firewood from the forests, for they will make fires with the weapons; and they will take the spoil of those who despoiled them and seize the plunder of those who plundered them,” declares the Lord God.
What’s more, in Ezekiel 39 – verses 11 through 13 – we learn that it will take Israel seven months to bury all of the bodies of the fallen enemy soldiers.
11 “On that day I will give Gog a burial ground there in Israel, the valley of those who pass by east of the sea, and it will block off those who would pass by. So they will bury Gog there with all his horde, and they will call it the valley of Hamon-Gog. 12 For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land. 13 Even all the people of the land will bury them; and it will be to their renown on the day that I glorify Myself,” declares the Lord God.
If that weren’t enough, Ezekiel 39, verses 17 through 20, tells us that it would take even longer than seven months to bury all the bodies if it weren’t for one thing: The birds of the air and the beasts of the field are going to come along and each many of the bodies.
17 “As for you, son of man, thus says the Lord God, ‘Speak to every kind of bird and to every beast of the field, “Assemble and come, gather from every side to My sacrifice which I am going to sacrifice for you, as a great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel, that you may eat flesh and drink blood. 18 You will eat the flesh of mighty men and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, as though they were rams, lambs, goats and bulls, all of them fatlings of Bashan. 19 So you will eat fat until you are glutted, and drink blood until you are drunk, from My sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you. 20 You will be glutted at My table with horses and charioteers, with mighty men and all the men of war,” declares the Lord God.
Now, why exactly does God say that He is going to bring the War of Gog and Magog to pass?
We get our first set of answers in Ezekiel 39:21-24.
21 “And I will set My glory among the nations; and all the nations will see My judgment which I have executed and My hand which I have laid on them. 22 And the house of Israel will know that I am the Lord their God from that day onward. 23 The nations will know that the house of Israel went into exile for their iniquity because they acted treacherously against Me, and I hid My face from them; so I gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and all of them fell by the sword. 24 According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions I dealt with them, and I hid My face from them.”’”
This is extraordinary on many levels – after all, because of the miracle of television technology, satellite technology, the Internet and smartphones, you and I are living during the first generation in human history in which all the world could simultaneously watch the War of Gog and Magog play out….live….in real-time.

But we’re not done yet. God has more to tell us. Let’s read the final verses of the prophecy – Ezekiel 39, verses 25 through 29.
25 Therefore thus says the Lord God, “Now I will restore the fortunes of Jacob and have mercy on the whole house of Israel; and I will be jealous for My holy name. 26 They will forget their disgrace and all their treachery which they perpetrated against Me, when they live securely on their own land with no one to make them afraid. 27 When I bring them back from the peoples and gather them from the lands of their enemies, then I shall be sanctified through them in the sight of the many nations. 28 Then they will know that I am the Lord their God because I made them go into exile among the nations, and then gathered them again to their own land; and I will leave none of them there any longer. 29 I will not hide My face from them any longer, for I will have poured out My Spirit on the house of Israel,” declares the Lord God.

A few thoughts here:
First, the text tells us that the Jewish people will “live securely on their own land.”
Second, we see that the world will finally realize and truly understand that God made the Jewish people go into exile because of our sins, but that He is also the One who regathered us to the land and the State of Israel, to our own land.
Third, and best of all, God promises that after the War of Gog and Magog, He will no longer hide His face from the Jewish people, from the nation of Israel.
In fact, God says that He will pour His Holy Spirit on the house of Israel.
The War of Gog and Magog is one of the most dramatic and detailed prophecies in the Bible. It is an advance warning of apocalyptic, cataclysmic judgment that is coming to Israel’s enemies.
At the same time, Ezekiel 38 and 39 are among the most exciting and hopeful prophecies in all of the Bible – because it promises both justice and redemption for the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

But even after all this, you may be left with a few last questions.
For example, what Middle East countries are NOT mentioned in the prophecy?
Egypt and Iraq
Lebanon and Syria
Also, with peace breaking out between Israel and the Arab world, does the signing of the Abraham Accords mean the War of Gog and Magog is not going to happen soon?
To the contrary, all these peace treaties suggest the War of Gog and Magog is closer than ever. Why? Because Ezekiel 38 tells that Israel will be increasingly peaceful and prosperous. Verse 11 says that Israelis will be “living securely in the land.” And verses 12 and 23 tell us that Israel is becoming so wealthy that Gog – the evil Russian dictator – wants to capture her spoils.
What’s more, take careful note of 38:13.
13 Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all its villages will say to you [to Gog], ‘Have you come to capture spoil? Have you assembled your company to seize plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to capture great spoil?’”’
Tarshish was located in southern Spain and is generally thought to represent the whole of Europe.
But who are Sheba and Dedan?
Those are ancient names for the countries that today we call Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states like the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and the like.
Since the foundation of the State of Israel, these countries were enemies of Israel and the Jewish people.
But today – one by one – they are making peace with Israel and opening up their countries to trade and tourism and security cooperation.
Why? Because they’re terrified of a nuclear-armed Iran, especially one allied with Russia. And because they want to work closely with Israel to create a region of peace and prosperity.
How do I know this? Because I’ve been to these countries. I’ve spent hours with their leaders. They have spoken to me about these very issues, often on the record. You can read all about it in my non-fiction book, ENEMIES AND ALLIES.
But here’s my point.
I believe it is very likely that the War of Gog and Magog is going to come to pass in my lifetime.
Indeed, it’s possible that this eschatological war could happen in the next few years.

I’m not saying it will for certain. I’m just saying that when you look at what the Bible says will have to happen before Ezekiel 38 and 39 come to pass – and you look at what’s been happening in recent years – it really does feel like God is sovereignly re-arranging the chess pieces on the chess board to bring this showdown to pass, and to checkmate the evil dictator Gog once and for all.
But don’t take my word for it. Carefully study this prophecy for yourself. And then look carefully at the geopolitical and economic trendlines in the region and around the world. Don’t be sloppy. Don’t jump to rash conclusions. And don’t set dates.
Instead, do your homework. Become a good intelligence analyst. Become a smart and thorough historical detective.
And then ask yourself…..if we really are getting close to the fulfillment of the Biblical War of Gog and Magog, what does that really mean for you and for me? If the War of Gog and Magog is coming, then what other major End Times prophecies are coming, as well? How should I be living differently because the Lord is on the move and bringing the history of this world to its final conclusion? And when I see Jesus Christ face to face one day, will He be disappointed with me, or will He say, “Well done, My good and faithful servant. You were faithful in a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your Master?”
After all, God didn’t give us these advance warnings of the future to frighten us. He gave them to us to prepare us.
And that, my friend, is the purpose and power of Bible prophecy.

Joel C. Rosenberg is the editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.