Tonight on THE ROSENBERG REPORT, I ask DeSantis if modern Israel is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy
Also, I share more about The Joshua Fund’s tour of Israel this Fall and invite you to join us – don’t miss it

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – Even as I write this, we’re putting the finishing touches on tonight’s episode of THE ROSENBERG REPORT.
Please don’t miss it.
We’ll discuss U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s important visit to Israel last week, his impressive address to the Knesset, and whether the speaker plans to invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit Washington since President Joe Biden continues to refuse to do so.
We’ll have a “sneak preview” of my new political thriller, The Libyan Diversion, which releases next week.

I’ll also share more about the new “Prayer & Vision Tour” that Lynn and I and The Joshua Fund will be leading from November 28th through December 8th of this year to celebrate Israel’s 75th anniversary.
What’s more, I’ll discuss the rumors that continue to swirl that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is preparing to announce his intention to run for the Republican presidential nomination soon.
Possibly this month – or in early June.
Is the buzz true?
Is that why DeSantis came to Israel last week?
Tonight, on THE ROSENBERG REPORT, I’ll examine his trip closely.
I’ll show you key soundbites from his keynote address to a conference here in Jerusalem.
I’ll also show you the governor’s answers to the two questions that I asked him at a standing-room-only press conference held immediately after the speech.
The first topic I addressed was this: As an Evangelical, dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, I wanted to know whether the governor sees the 75th anniversary of the rebirth of Israel in 1948 simply as wonderful, hardworking Zionists fighting and building this country from scratch?
Or does he also see a biblical prophetic element, since he is a Christian?

The second topic I addressed was about expanding the Abraham Accords circle of Arab-Israeli peace.
I explained to DeSantis that I have led several Evangelical delegations throughout the Middle East, actually seven of them.
I also told him that I've led two Evangelical delegations specifically to meet with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, as one of the few Israeli citizens who ever had an opportunity to meet publicly with the Saudi crown prince.
So, I asked him, “Governor, do you believe that it's possible to see in our lifetime – and maybe soon – an Israeli-Saudi peace treaty? Do you see the Saudis as an ally of the United States, or do you see Saudi Arabia and the crown prince as a ‘pariah state’ and a problem for the United States, the way President Biden keeps speaking about the Saudis?”
His answers intrigued me, and I think you’ll find them interesting, as well.
I hope you’ll join us for THE ROSENBERG REPORT, tonight in primetime on the TBN television network at 9 p.m. EST.
You can learn more about the show – watch past episodes – and sign up for free email updates at www.RosenbergReport.TV.
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Joel C. Rosenberg is the editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.