‘This is a war between good and evil’: Media advisor to Netanyahu called up at front as IDF prepares for invasion of Gaza
Hananya Naftali talks to ALL ISRAEL NEWS about the media’s war against Israel

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – Right now, much of the world is showing sympathy to the Jewish state after the horrific slaughter in the last 48 hours of more than 700 innocent Israeli by Hamas terrorists.
But that’s not going to last, says Hananya Naftali, one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s media advisors.
Already we’re seeing more and more mainstream media reports spewing lies about Israel, Naftali says.
And we should expect this to get much, much worse in the coming days.
I spoke by phone to Naftali as he drove toward the Gaza border.
Despite the massive media war that’s coming, Naftali will not be serving at Netanyahu’s side.
Instead, he was called up today to serve in his IDF unit as a combat medic.
Almost a decade ago, as a young recruit, Naftali served in the Armored Corps, fighting in a tank against Hamas terrorists inside the Gaza Strip in what was known as “Operation Protective Edge” in 2014.

Now, he’s heading to the front again and asking everyone who loves Israel – and especially Evangelical Christians – to pray for Israel, financially invest in blessing Israel, and be outspoken on social media against the lies against us that are being told, and the many more lies to come.
I encourage you to read our conversation in full.
The following is the transcript of our conversation, lightly edited for clarity.
JOEL ROSENBERG: Hananya, tell me how you see the war right now. First, from your position as a media adviser to the Prime Minister – and now you've just been called up in the reserves – what's your perspective? What should people know?
HANANYA NAFTALI: I think people should know that there is a real and serious war underway – this is not a joke. You can see tanks driving on highways that are meant for cars. And I believe that we are going to see really tough days ahead of us as Israel has come under a really severe attack.
This is a war between good and evil. It's not just about victims and perpetrators. It's about good versus evil, It’s about the values of democracy, human rights, justice and equality up against radical Islam. Hamas terrorists infiltrated into Israel. They ran straight to the homes of civilians. They slaughtered hundreds of people my age – people in their 20s and 30s – who came for a peaceful music festival in southern Israel. They just came and slaughtered them like sheep marching to the slaughter.
So, I have to say that October 7 will now be known as the day when the highest number of Jews were murdered in a single day since the Holocaust.
ROSENBERG: It’s so horrible. Now, you're on your way to your army base. You've just been called up in the IDF reserves, correct?
ROSENBERG: And are you allowed to say publicly what your role is?
NAFTALI: So, I'm serving in the Armored Corps and I'm also a combat medic. I cannot say right now where I am sent to. But this is my position in the army.
In 2014, I was in the Armored Corps. I was sent to the Gaza Strip during “Operation Protective Edge.” I went inside the Gaza Strip. I fought Hamas. And it's crazy – I never imagined that almost a decade after I was enlisted, that I'm here again. It's happening again. But this time, it's not just a military “operation.” It's a full-scale war.

ROSENBERG: This appears to be the biggest mobilization of the reserves since the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Would that be a fair assessment?
NAFTALI: Yes. I heard from the IDF Spokesperson that they have called up over 300,000 soldiers – reserve soldiers – in the last 48 hours.
ROSENBERG: Wow. That is a lot of people.
NAFTALI: Yes, and they are now ready to defend their homes, literally. Not just our borders. We are defending our homes.
ROSENBERG: Your day job is to work as a media adviser and assistant to Prime Minister Netanyahu. Can you give us your perspective on the media war against Israel right now? There's a real war on truth. There's a great deal slander of against Israel going on in the media. And I think it's going to get worse in the days ahead. But I'd like to hear what your perspective is.
NAFTALI: Sure. So, we all know that Prime Minister Netanyahu sees great importance in using digital warfare as well as in military warfare. And as someone who is very active on social media, I totally agree with you that there is a true battle going on right now between truth on one side and lies and deception on the other. And I do think that it's going to get worse.
But already we’re seeing the true colors of who we are fighting against. We’re also seeing these anti-Israel activists on social media. Already, I am seeing videos of pro-Hamas people, you know, waving the Palestinian flag in London, Canada, and New York. And they did these pro-Hamas demonstrations mere hours after hundreds of Israeli civilians were slaughtered, and their corpses were abused, and Israeli civilians were kidnapped.
So, I think that it's very important to join this war digitally for people who are reading this. Because Israel's war is their war. And, again, it’s war between good and evil and at the end of the day, you don't want to stand on the wrong side of history.
So, I do call on people to stand with Israel.
As I'm being drafted right now, I'm speaking with soldiers on the ground. And I can tell you what they are saying. They are seeing overwhelming support on social media at the moment – and the messages that they're getting from all over the world right now are positive – and they feel very, very encouraged.
But I fully expect attacks on social media against Israel and against our soldiers to start increasing very soon.
ROSENBERG: Well, Hananya, I want you and your colleagues to know that at ALL ISRAEL NEWS and on my show on TBN – THE ROSENBERG REPORT – we’re working around the clock, to tell the truth and to mobilize people, particularly Christians, to pray for Israel and to financially support organizations that bless Israel, at this time.
Is there anything else you want to say? Do you have a specific message for Christians who love Israel?
NAFTALI: I just want to say thank you for praying for Israel and for showing us such faith and love. It really touches my heart.
It’s time to take action. We should not be a silent majority. We need to speak out and take a stand for what's right. Just try to imagine if this was your family, if it was your mother, if it was your loved ones that went missing in the hands of a terrorist organization that is worse than ISIS.
So, really, thank you very much for praying and for standing with Israel during this difficult season.
ROSENBERG: Well, thank you, Hananya. I appreciate you taking a few minutes to talk to us at ALL ISRAEL NEWS.

Joel C. Rosenberg is the editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.