Upon landing in Washington, Netanyahu deals with COVID crisis back in Israel All Israel News Staff September 14, 2020 BENJAMIN NETANYAHU | COVID 19 | US ISRAELI RELATIONS
Who is Kamala Harris? Married to a Jewish lawyer, she’s actually more moderate on Israel than many Democrats Joel C. Rosenberg August 12, 2020 But Jewish Republicans say she’d be a disaster. Here’s the story. KAMALA HARRIS | US MIDDLE EAST POLICIES | US ISRAELI RELATIONS
U.S. Elections Lapid: Biden a good friend of Israel; DNC platform favorable to Israel All Israel News Staff July 29, 2020 U.S. ELECTIONS | YAIR LAPID | PRO ISRAEL | US ISRAELI RELATIONS
Exclusive Pompeo in Iowa makes case to Evangelical conference that Trump team is the most pro-Israel administration in US history Joel C. Rosenberg July 20, 2020 US Secretary of State makes no mention of annexation. Is annexation off US agenda for now? MIKE POMPEO | EVANGELICALS | PRO ISRAEL | US ISRAELI RELATIONS