‘Russia and Iran are becoming a genocide coalition’ ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg tells Newsmax
On nuclear negotiations with Iran, Rosenberg says: Biden is absolutely convinced that he understands how to conduct U.S. foreign policy. He is wrong

Russian President Vladimir Putin cannot afford to lose in Ukraine and lose face, ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg said in an interview on Monday with Lyndsay Keith, a Newsmax co-anchor, on the Spicer & Co program.
“This raises a very significant risk that Putin is going to go genocidal using tactical battlefield nuclear weapons,” he said.
In his book, “Enemies and Allies,” Rosenberg quoted Putin’s own mantra: “You must hit first and hit so hard that your opponent will not rise to his feet”’ Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, however, did not fall in these lines, according to Rosenberg.
“I actually think that Putin has miscalculated very badly in Ukraine. He thought he was going to strike hard quickly... That's his mantra. That's his mission. Strike hard so fast that someone can't get up. But he's miscalculated. He missed when he underestimated that Ukrainian resistance and resolve,” Rosenberg said.
With Putin's back against the ropes, Rosenberg fears that he could be pushed to using extreme measures. He notes that the danger multiplies if Russia, as a nuclear armed power, would team up with “the genocidal regime in Iran” under the auspices of a new nuclear deal.
“The Iranian regime has openly called for Israel to be wiped off the planet, right off the map. So, the two of these matching up together, this is the genocide coalition forming. And that's what makes it so dangerous,” Rosenberg explained.
Another concern of the ALL ISRAEL NEWS editor-in-chief stems from the White House itself.
“After 50 years in Washington, Biden is absolutely convinced that he understands how to conduct U.S. foreign policy. However, he's wrong,” Rosenberg said.
Rosenberg invoked former President Barack Obama who said about his own vice president, “Never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to F* up the situation.”
Rosenberg quoted former Defense Secretary Robert Gates who said, “I love Joe Biden, and if I had a personal problem, I would go to Joe Biden and I would trust him to help me. But when it comes to foreign policy and national security, the man has been wrong on every issue for the last 40 years.”
“Biden has been good on the Iron Dome system here in Israel and a few other things, but those are two of his closest friends warning about how Biden's incompetence on foreign policy puts us in such a dangerous position,” he said of Obama and Gates.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.