Gay Pride Parade: 'We’re coming for your children'

In a recent conversation with my friend from Wales, she asked if I’d heard the chant, “We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re coming for your children.”
Much to my relief, I hadn’t, but as I looked into it further, I was horrified to discover that it really was said at a recent NYC parade. In fact, the slogan, “We’re coming for your children” began trending on Twitter by Monday, after being shouted at last Friday’s annual Drag March in the East Village.
Most of us already know that the entire month of June has been devoted to the LGBTQ+ movement, as pride flags were widely displayed, throughout cities, at businesses, apartment dwellings, on streets, bridges and pretty much anywhere that a flag can be unfurled.
The trend has become more and more popular, over the past few years, here in Israel with Tel Aviv being the hub for such in-your-face, brazen displays, but, just this year, almost every other Israeli city decided to jump on this fashionable bandwagon, which now seems to be expected rather than optional.
What first started out as the gay community wanting to be accepted, recognized and not feel discriminated against, has now morphed into so much more. A lifestyle which, just a few, short years ago, was not sanctioned by probably more than half of most countries’ populations, has now not only become fully accepted but is now demanding that everyone celebrate their lifestyle for one full month because one day would be woefully insufficient.
But wait, that’s not enough either! Again, that desire, for acceptance and tolerance, grew into a month-long block party, which has no qualms in exposing the real prize – getting our children. For those who dare to shout the shocking slogan, they are essentially saying that being gay is the goal, and in order to get there, they need to recruit, convert and target the next generation. Their dream is to make “being heterosexual” the real minority or do away with it completely.
While some say the annual parades are all in good fun, an estimated two million participants came to celebrate New York’s rainbow procession, sporting every kind of gay garment and accessory you could think of and some you couldn’t. Participating in the march were such notable local politicians as Sen. Chuck Schumer, Gov. Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams.
Not to be outdone, June gay pride celebrations also took place in Israel with a number of Israeli politicians throwing their heartfelt support to the community.
But here’s the question. How do these same politicians feel about a concerted effort to recruit children into the ranks of the LGBTQ+ community, and would it even matter to those politicians, if their parents were diametrically opposed to such an endeavor? Because that is the real question that must be explored. It’s safe to assume that most parents, while envisioning the future of their children, would probably not aspire for their kids to become members of the LGBTQ+ community if they had anything to say about it.
We know this because so many parents are furious over the new policy which has begun in many schools. Teachers have been forbidden to inform parents concerning children who express a desire to explore gender changes, whether that involves using a preferred name at school that is different from their biological sex, looking into the possibility of taking puberty blockers or actually thinking about undergoing surgery in order to transition completely into another gender.
Consequently, parents have had no alternative but to start suing schools that have hidden these facts from the people who gave birth to these kids and who have every moral and legal right to be privy to such crucial information. But those who are on a campaign to take those rights away, have gone so far as to legislate laws that bypass parents and have the authority to remove children from their homes in the event that a parent is unwilling to support their child’s desired gender.
The irony is that they’ve already come for our children. If a state now has the ability to supersede the wishes of a parent, it’s no longer a hopeful objective. It is the law, with serious consequences for those who do not capitulate.
The time has arrived for all parents and grandparents, to come to the very sad realization, that we are living at a moment in history when even one’s own flesh and blood can be hijacked, removed from their home and indoctrinated to become the type of person that a specific group of people want them to become. If that doesn’t convince you that they are serious about coming after your children or grandchildren, then what will?
Parents who fail to heed the warning signs, do so at their own peril, but make no mistake about it, this is already happening, and it’s gaining in numbers. Schools are confronting this sudden dramatic change of gender dysphoria in unprecedented numbers such as has never been seen. And why wouldn’t they when school libraries now house books which foster these ideas and encourage children to explore their sexuality in ways which, up until now, have been considered deviant? Why would kids think these things are abnormal when drag queen story hours are being organized for them?
Would it shock you to hear that over the past couple of years, a new accommodation has been made in Israeli preschools on Fridays, the day that most schools have a short ceremony to welcome in Shabbat (the Sabbath)? It used to be that two children were chosen as representatives, a boy and a girl. They would be called, “Mother Shabbat and Father Shabbat.” That traditional ritual has been changed to also include Two Mothers and Two Fathers – in other words, two representatives of the same sex, rather than one of each.
Israeli children are already being programmed to accept that a family is not necessarily made up of one female mother and one male father. Of course, that is the reality, since a number of children come from gay families with two fathers or two mothers. Nowadays, even those boundaries are being pushed to where no gender is being applied to children or parents.
It’s sad to say, but the threat of, “We’re coming for your children,” has been in play for several years already. We just didn’t know it.
But now that we do, it’s up to each one of us to decide if our children are still ours or will we simply watch while they captivate their hearts and minds to become people we no longer recognize? That decision is in the hands of parents who must be willing to put in the hard work, buck the trending system and refuse to celebrate, cooperate or affirm the same individuals who fooled us by saying they only wanted their rights but now also want the rights to our children!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.