Netanyahu, Pence, Pompeo, Evangelical leaders praise Pat Robertson’s love for Israel, impact on culture, politics
Evangelicals flood ALL ISRAEL NEWS with tributes

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL — As the news broke on Thursday that Christian Broadcasting Network founder and media trailblazer Pat Robertson had passed away at the age of 93, I reached out to Evangelical leaders throughout the United States to get their reactions.
To be honest, I was both encouraged and astonished by how quickly so many of them responded.
They include a former vice president, a former secretary of state, former congressmen and senators, as well as pastors and ministry leaders.
All recognized his pioneering work, his vision for spreading the Gospel, his love for the nation and people of Israel, his cultural impact, and especially his love for his Lord, Jesus Christ.
Upon hearing of Pat Robertson’s passing, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also tweeted out his personal tribute:
“My wife Sara and I are deeply saddened by the news of Pat Robertson’s passing. He was a great friend of Israel, second to none. Over the decades he led millions of his followers in supporting the Jewish state. I will fondly remember our many meetings together, his warmth and steadfast friendship which stood the test of time and circumstance.
Our prayers are with his loving family and his many admirers.”
Former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence:
“Pat Robertson’s bold faith was an inspiration to millions, and we mark his passing with a sense of personal loss. Through his writings, broadcasts and advocacy, Pat touched countless lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ including mine. I have long been inspired by his stand for America and our traditional values. Pat Robertson will be deeply missed. Karen and I send our deepest sympathies and prayers to Gordon, the entire Robertson family, and all who cherished this good and godly man. America is poorer but Heaven is richer with the passing of this faithful servant. God bless Pat Robertson.”
Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo:
“Pat was in love with the Lord and shared it with all around him. He was always so kind to me and understood that defending America and Israel was central to believers worldwide.”
Matt Crouch, president and CEO of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN):
“Today we celebrate the homegoing of our good friend, Pat Robertson. As God would have it, it was just days ago when I walked past the television in our home and made note of the remarkable fact that Pat was still soldiering on while faithfully sharing the love of Jesus with some of his final breaths. In the ’70s, when my dad was laboring to build out TBN on the West Coast, Pat was laboring to build out CBN on the East Coast. They first worked together in the early ’80s at “Washington for Jesus”, televising it to the nation. These two Christian television pioneers shared a deep and abiding mutual respect ever since. I can almost picture my dad welcoming the newest member of the HCC – Heaven’s Communications Commission! Our thoughts and prayers go out to Pat’s beloved family during their time of loss.”
Evangelist Franklin Graham:
“Pat Robertson, a great friend to my father, to me, and to our ministries, has moved to a new address in Heaven. Heaven is real and awaits everyone who puts their faith and trust in God and His Son, Jesus Christ. I will miss Pat, but I know that I will see him again one day. I’m sure that his family would appreciate our prayers.”
Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Dean of Regent University:
“Pat Robertson was a man of profound faith in the God of the Bible, and he was a man of action. Pat loved the God of Israel, and he taught his generation why we should love and bless Israel, too.
Literally, hundreds of millions of souls came to love the Lord Jesus Christ through Robertson’s many ministries. Pat Robertson lived the mission of the school he founded, Regent University. He was a Christian leader who changed the world.”
Pastor Greg Laurie, Harvest Church:
“Pat Robertson was truly a Pioneer of the Evangelical world. If there is a single word that would sum him up it would be, vision. It’s been said, ‘Faith sees invisible things,’ and Pat applied his faith to the great commission to go into all the world and preach the Gospel literally. The result was millions of people came to a life-changing relationship with Christ through his television ministry.
It was my honor to spend some time with him over the years and I can tell you that Pat was a truly kind and generous man. Thank God for his life and legacy. The world is a much better place because Pat Robertson was in it.”
Rev. Johnnie Moore, former VP of Liberty University:
“Pat Robertson was an evangelical leader whose legacy reminds all of us of what’s possible in a single life.
Pat was a Zionist of Zionists whose vast media ministry, and sincere love for Israel, helped catalyze modern Christian Zionism. There are literally hundreds of millions of Christian friends of Israel in the far-flung parts of the world solely because of Pat. Pat saw many miracles in his life but God especially used him to help oversee the miraculous creation of modern, Christian Zionism.”
Pat was also…
Groundbreaking. Innovative.
Courageous. Compassionate.
Brilliant beyond belief.
Almost no leader in Christian history has had more of an impact across so many sectors of society than Pat. Ultimately, and above all, he was a man motivated by an immovable faith in God which he honed through a lifetime of private prayer.
His global ministry will continue to impact countless millions for generations.
Sending all my prayers today to the Robertson family & the broader CBN community.”
Bob Vander Plaats, The FAMiLY Leader:
“We at The FAMiLY Leader mourn and rejoice with the family and friends of Pat Robertson. Undoubtedly, Pat was a pioneer and visionary leader in inspiring Christians to engage in the public sphere for the sanctity of human life, the diligent pursuit of righteousness, and our Biblical and strategic alliance with the nation of Israel.”
Former Senator Rick Santorum:
“Thank you, Lord, for the life of your servant Pat Robertson. Every time I was in his presence, I felt the love of Jesus Christ along with our Lord’s passion for truth in the dark world. His trailblazing work in spreading the gospel in media and education reached millions and inspired others to follow suit. He was a patriot who fought for a good and strong America. Finally, he was one of the first to lead evangelical Christians to understand their duty to support the state of Israel, which has blossomed into a huge base of support for Israel in America.”
Wayne Pederson, former president of National Religious Broadcasting and current senior vice chair of The Joshua Fund:
“Pat Robertson was a courageous pioneer in Christian radio and television. The CBN Networks work, the 700 Club, have had a profound influence on Christian media. CBN News is recognized for its integrity, fairness, and commitment to the gospel. The humanitarian work of CBN has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Pat’s influence politically, his commitment to the truth, and his vision to reach the world for Christ is the hallmark of his life and his legacy.”
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin:
“Pat Robertson was an inspiring Virginian and a passionate servant of the Lord whose lifelong example leaves a legacy matched by very few.”
“I was grateful for the time we shared together just last year at Regent University’s commencement. While Suzanne and I are praying for the Robertson family, CBN family, and Regent family during this difficult time, we also know heaven is rejoicing this morning.”

Joel C. Rosenberg is the editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.