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Israeli volunteer organization infiltrates online group promoting terrorism against Jews and IDF soldiers

Screenshot of a video that reportedly shows how to make a bomb

Terrorists are using the Telegram instant messaging app to exchange “tips” on how to conduct terrorist attacks and avoid being caught, according to the Israeli non-profit group Fighting Online Antisemitism (FOA). 

FOA, which monitors instances of anti-Semitism online, managed to infiltrate a closed Telegram group being used by terrorists to encourage terrorism against Jews and Israeli soldiers The group was reportedly providing “tips” on how to stab soldiers, steal their weapons and create improvised explosive devices. 

Founder and Executive Director of FOA Tomer Aldubi said his group, comprised of volunteers, is broadening its activities in order to shut down similar anti-Semitic groups using Telegram and other online communications.

“The special team we have established is based on volunteer activity and deals with monitoring online anti-Semitic groups and Islamic terrorist organizations and gathering intelligence on their operations, with an emphasis on the Telegram network. The team constantly monitors their online presence and communications with users,” Aldubi said. 

“We are expanding our activities in other groups and scenes, with the help of activists from all over the world, in order to shut down every such group,” he said. 

Aldubi said that Telegram is an especially popular platform for promoting terrorist activity because of its advanced security features, the possibility of anonymity and the lack of regulation. 

“Thanks to our activities, Telegram has begun to close down anti-Semitic groups and block users who spread hateful content against Jews. However, we call on Telegram to immediately remove these groups that encourage terrorism,” he said.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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