Internal IDF review highlights a decline in discipline among troops after over year of war
Several civilians were allowed to enter combat zones, endangering soldiers

Following the death of 71-year-old tour guide Zeev Ehrlich and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier Gur Kahati in Lebanon last November, the IDF instituted a high-level commission to investigate the incident, as well as the general state of operational discipline in the army.
The team of experts led by IDF Maj.-Gen. Motti Baruch came to the conclusion that “due to the operational attrition - there has been a loosening of discipline and safety, which led to operational accidents that could have been prevented.”
Ehrlich and Kahati were killed in an ambush while Ehrlich, a civilian, was inspecting an ancient fortress at the request of Col. Yoav Yarom, chief of staff of the Golani Brigade, who didn’t seek permission from his superiors.
In addition to citizens who entered with prior approval, such as contractors, journalists and local politicians, the report found several other incidents where civilians were brought into combat zones in violation of existing orders. This included the entry of Rabbi Zvi Kostiner, settlement activist Daniela Weiss, and an unnamed “civilian donor” into the Gaza Strip.
According to Army Radio, despite these incidents potentially endangering soldiers and the civilians themselves, the responsible commanders have not yet been punished or disciplined.
Coming just several days after the death of IDF soldier Yuval Shoham, the last soldier to die during an operational accident, the report also pointed out a general laxity regarding operational safety measures.
It decried a lack of attention to safety while using weapons like firing anti-tank missiles, throwing grenades and using explosive devices. All of these have led to operational accidents and serious injuries. The IDF has reported on numerous instances of friendly fire and accidents involving explosive charges, some of which led to casualties.
In addition, the experts pointed to a lack of safety regarding driving and operating armored vehicles and tanks. Shoham was killed in an accident involving a tank, Israeli media reported, without providing details.
The use of private mobile phones was another point of the report. Using mobile phones is prohibited in the combat zones in Gaza and Lebanon but is more widespread in Gaza. In addition to potentially revealing the location of soldiers, footage taken during the fighting has also been used by anti-Israeli groups to identify and sue Israeli soldiers during vacations abroad.
Other problems highlighted by the report include the introduction and use of non-standard and unapproved military equipment, and deviations from uniform and dress instructions.
The conclusions and recommendations of the investigative team were received and approved by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi.
Halevi introduced a mechanism to support division commanders in maintaining discipline among their troops. This initiative pairs them with veteran mentors at the rank of major general, who will develop tailored plans to address operational discipline issues specific to each division and its responsibilities.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.