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Dozens injured in suspected ramming attack near Glilot, as truck slams into bus stop

The truck driver was shot at the scene by security forces

The scene where a truck rammed into a bus stop near Glilot in central Israel, October 27, 2024. (Photo: Itai Ron/Flash90)

Dozens of people were injured, some critically, when a truck hit a bus stop near Glilot Junction in Tel Aviv on Sunday morning. 

Several people were trapped under the truck until rescue personnel were able to lift the truck and remove the injured people. 

Many of those injured were retirees who were on a trip in the area. 

Magen David Adom (MDA) medic Elior Yosef told N12, "We arrived at the scene and saw a scene where a truck collided with people at a bus stop, several people were lying under the truck, and several other people were injured and were next to it.” 

“We started giving them immediate medical treatment and evacuated them to hospitals. This is a very serious incident, but we acted quickly to provide the wounded with optimal medical care.” 

MDA said that ten people were taken to nearby Beilinson Hospital for treatment. The hospital later reported that 3 of those were in serious condition, 1 in moderate condition, 5 were in light condition, and 1 person was treated for shock and panic. 

Shuki Green, an eyewitness, told Israel Hayom, “We got off the bus and we are a group of retirees from Mizrahi Bank. Some had already gotten off and some hadn't. I was off. Then a truck came and drove between the fence and the bus. Luckily the bus prevented the truck a bit. There were screams and a cloud of dust. The truck driver had a knife in his hand and was trying to get out of a truck and was shot.” 

Assaf Hoja, a business owner near the scene confirmed the testimony that the driver had a knife.  

“I saw the truck speeding towards the hitchhiking station and impacting on the back side of the bus. I went to the front of the bus and saw a pile of people squashed under the truck,” Hoja told Israel Hayom. “I immediately called the police. As soon as the officers tried to reach the driver, he tried to attack them, injuring one of them in the hand. They fired three shots at him and neutralized him” 

The Israel Police have not released any official findings, however, according to preliminary reports, they are investigating the incident as a terror attack. 

The truck driver, Rami Natur Nasrallah, was shot and killed at the scene. He was an Israeli citizen and a resident of the town of Qalansawe, near Taibe and east of Netanya. 

Several family members of Nasrallah released a statement denying the incident was a terror attack. 

Calling the reports of a terror attack “a lie”, they said, “Rami suffers from heart disease, he lost control [of the vehicle] due to medical problems.” 

Hebrew news correspondent Avishai Greenzaig said that Natur had a previous criminal history, having stolen a truck from a worksite about four years ago, and claimed the truck had been robbed from him. He served 9 months of community service for the theft. 

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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