All Israel

Day 17 Gaza Update - Israel strikes over 320 targets in Gaza as ground campaign delay continues

Delay of invasion appears to be linked to hostage situation, US initiatives

Smoke rises after Israeli air strikes in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, October 22, 2023. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

As Israel prepares for the ground campaign into the Gaza Strip, Israel's extensive airstrikes in Gaza continue.

In the last 24 hours, the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli Air Force have targeted terrorist infrastructure and terror cells in the Gaza Strip, while the ground campaign continues to face political delays.

Based on intelligence from the Shin Bet and IDF, among the targets struck were tunnels carrying operatives of the Hamas terrorist organization, dozens of operational headquarters – some of which were hiding Hamas and PIJ terrorists – military compounds used by the organization and observation posts.

According to the Qatar-based Al Jazeera network, 17 people were killed in Israeli airstrikes in the city of Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip.

The IDF also struck targets that could endanger ground forces upon entry into the Strip, including mortar launchers and anti-tank positions.

IDF spokesman, Brig.-Gen. Daniel Hagari, noted that the activity was carried out as part of the effort to thwart terrorist infrastructure, clear the area of terrorists and weapons, and locate missing persons and bodies.

“We are expanding the pace and scope of the attacks on the Gaza Strip,” Hagari said. “We are working in this manner to prepare the area for maneuvers, to reduce the risks to soldiers entering the Gaza Strip. That is why we are attacking harder from the air, and we will continue like this until we carry out the campaign - as soon as the political echelon decides.”

During the night, IDF units struck terrorists and anti-tank squads operating near the border of the Gaza Strip.

The delay in the ground campaign appears to be due to the U.S. recommending more time for negotiating and the ongoing efforts to release hostages, as well as to allow some humanitarian aid into Gaza, the New York Times reported Sunday evening.

IDF reserve officers and soldiers on the morning of another military exercise before heading south to Gaza, Golan Heights, Oct. 10, 2023. (Photo: Michael Giladi/Flash90)

While Israel reported that some 710,000 residents of the northern Gaza Strip have evacuated, an estimated 350,000 residents still remain in the northern section.

Hamas has allegedly been threatening civilians in Gaza who are trying to flee several miles safe and out of harm's way, with recent reports saying the organization has gathered around 30,000 residents near the Shifa Hospital.

According to a report in Walla News, Israeli officials believe that Hamas is operating a command facility under the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Hamas gathered a core of civilians around the hospital to function as human shields, preventing an Israeli strike on the terror group's facilities there.

A government source told Walla! News that the IDF believes the facility could be the main north Gaza command facility at present.

The source said Israel would not allow any humanitarian aid transfers to the northern Gaza Strip.

“There is surveillance and a finger on the trigger at the IDF. Trucks that move to the north and center of the Gaza Strip will be attacked,” the source said.

The IDF is intent on preventing the transfer of any materials that would benefit Hamas in the northern Gaza Strip, which includes fuel for the hospital’s generators, ahead of the ground campaign.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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