David Limbaugh: Pat Robertson’s critics didn’t get what made him a ‘Christian giant,’ but I got to see his faith and brilliance

CAPE GIRARDEAU, MISSOURI – On Wednesday night, my mind wandered as I was trying to fall asleep, and my stream of consciousness eventually led me to think of famed Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson.
I remembered when in 2003 he had invited Jay Sekulow, Ann Coulter, and me to Regent University – a Christian institution that he founded – to debate three progressives on whether the Supreme Court had overstepped its constitutional authority.
I was honored by the invitation from a man whose television show, “The 700 Club,” I had watched and admired for years.
Robertson’s critics routinely failed to acknowledge his brilliance and scholarship, but this man was deeply informed, engaged, and unfailingly grounded in his Christian worldview. I learned a lot watching his show, especially when I was younger and had more time.
At the debate, Pat was exceedingly gracious, respectful, and fair to both sides, despite his well-known conservative political views.
In the years following the event, Pat generously invited me on The 700 Club to promote my various books and it was always a special treat traveling to southern Virginia to appear live with him or other hosts in his studio.
Everything about the experience was positive, from the accommodations to the professionalism of the hosts and the broadcasts.
Every time I talked with Pat, he thoughtfully made a point of complimenting me on my performance in the debate he had hosted years before.
I honestly have no “earthly explanation” for why I thought of Pat last night (Wednesday June 8, 2023), but I did, and I wondered how he was doing and decided it was time for me to send him a note.
That is why I was stunned to wake up on Thursday morning to an email from my friend and prolific author, Joel Rosenberg, who told me of Pat’s passing and asked me to pen a few words in tribute to him.
This kind of thing doesn’t happen to me often but I have to believe my dream was providential, as coincidences that striking are not an everyday occurrence for me.
So, it is with great sadness that I write these words in celebration of a Christian giant – a man who has served the Lord with commitment and obedience for decades, and who honored Christ’s Great Commission like few others I’ve known.
It was a privilege to have known Pat personally and to have interacted with him in the ways I’ve described.
There is no point in me listing Pat’s voluminous accomplishments as so many others have already done so.
But I will say, with immense gratification, that I am beyond confident that upon his physical death, he immediately entered Christ’s presence and was met with the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Rest in peace, Pat, and thank you so much for your love and loyalty to Israel, your abundant and selfless evangelism, and for making countless disciples for Jesus Christ.
God bless you.

David Scott Limbaugh is a conservative American political commentator and author who has also worked as a professor and as a lawyer. He is the younger brother of talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. (Wikipedia)